(no subject)

Aug 21, 2003 00:45

i have mad chocolate-chip-cookie making skillz. even in the face of great adversity, or, my entire family. you gotta watch out for them, they'll eat ingredients at every stage of the game...

my little sister is muy comica a veces. i'm impressed. and she has this one facial expression where, no matter what she actually says, you feel like she's about to say "beautiful people, beautiful people, be nice to the bus!..." and you can't help laughing. it's good.

she's encroaching on my psychic link prerogative, too.
sheil - "assertive...what's that word? y'know, the one that i'm thinking of.."
kand - "Assyrian?"

quelle?? [ha! je parle francais. really. i swear.]
assertive doesn't sound anything like Assyrian. for starters, Assyrian is capitalized.

the fence is gone. so there's this fence around my front porch, as you will know, if you have ever met my house. and by "front porch" i mean "the porch in front of my house", which isn't actually the porch that leads to my "front door", but this is unimportant. and now the fence is gone :) it's friendly. part of it will be built back. but mostly it's just gone.

i talked to ian today :) ian is a good guy. and then my sister played "blackbird".
[i should get that clip from nick. but then, i should actually watch the catapult dvd, first, i suspect. i guess i haven't managed to do that.

i did get pictures :) the ones my mom took, because i'm not such a fan of cameras. there are good cam&brian pictures. there is a silhouette of andreeeeew, which i will send to him. and we have one with the submarine :)
"it's a star and a boat! it's a starlit cruise!!"

catapult feels like forever ago. cty feels like forever ago. this morning feels like forever ago. but, having zach around, last year felt like yesterday. {"when you arrive..."} || tracks of time, clearly.

http://www.donniedarko.com/ is insanity. highly intriguing insanity, at that.]

i did finish ch4. figures are always good. it's introductory stuff that can be sketchier. i should do ch5 and some glossary tomorrow, before i leave for

cleveland, this weekend, fri->mon. or something like that. friday to include clever adventures at cwru, including jon-time. this is the plan.

i just win, recently :)

and i actually started "invisible man", which is a lot longer than i was expecting it to be. and by "started" i mean "started the introduction to", but i like the introduction, so clearly we will get along well.

my fingernails are getting to be too long for me to believe that painting them interesting colors will make everything ok :)

tantalus, was the guy with the not-quite-drinking for eternity. i remembered this. because i suspect that this is where we get "tantalize".

"proof" is at arena stage oct 3 - nov 23.

"I was of two minds
like a cat
approaching a pineapple."
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