Star-Crossed Ch. 14

Mar 27, 2012 00:05

Author: Me 
Pairing: Leah/Bella 
Rating: PG-13 (this chapter) 
Warnings: None
Summary: After the death of her father, Leah couldn't figure out how anything could get worse, but it does. It seems that just when she's starting to understanding who she is, an event turns her whole life upside down.  Nothing, she believes, is ever going to go her way. Her free will is seemingly taken, but when someone unexpected offers her a choice, she is uncertain of which option to pick. Her life or her freedom?

Carlisle felt it was best for Leah to stay one more night in the house, much to the wolf's dislike. After all of them had came home, it was awkward. Leah remained on the couch for a good chunk of the day. She saw Emmett play some video games, which reminded her of Seth. She smiled at the large vampire. He seemed sweet, even if he didn't appear to be supportive of the imprint. Bella tried to stay with Leah on the couch, but Charlie called her saying she had to go home. He sounded angry and upset so Edward took her back home. So, Leah was left on the couch with Rosalie, who was reading a magazine. Emmett was sitting cross legged near the television. Carlisle  was out of the room as well as Esme. Jasper had taken Alice upstairs when she couldn't stop scowling at the wolf. He thought it was very unlike her to act that way. However, he knew she disliked the wolves. He didn't want to cause Leah any more discomfort that she was already feeling and so he took the small vampire upstairs.

Leah wasn't sure what video game Emmett was playing, but it involved him shooting at things. It was probably one Seth played as well. Sometimes she would play with him and she was getting pretty good at it too, but she was in no shape to hold a controller at the moment. She was in no shape to do much of anything. Her eye turned to Rosalie, who was flipping through the magazine, looking at the pictures. Her honey eyes looked up at the wolf.

"Is something wrong? Do you have to pee or something?" Rosalie asked, a hint of amusement in her tone.

Leah let out a huff of air. "I'm fine. Just... bored."

Rosalie rolled her eyes and then looked back at the magazine, returning to her previous actions. "Well sorry I'm not Bella and I don't entertain you," she mumbled and finally settled on a page.

Leah turned back to the television screen, only to realize it was paused. Her eyes dropped down to Emmett who had turned and was looking at Rose. His eyes moved to Leah and she wasn't sure why he was looking at them. A smile broke through his face and he set the controller down and got up. Leah looked away from him. What was he going to do? He sat himself on the coffee table and Rose directed her eyes to his choice of seating. "Don't break the table again, Em." She muttered and returned her attention back to the magazine. The wolf slowly met Emmett's grin.

"So, how do you know you imprinted on Bella?" He asked, his arms crossed, yet a smile was still on his face.

Leah turned to Rosalie whose eyes were still glued to the magazine, but they stopped moving. She was awaiting a response as well. She didn't know how to explain it to Emmett. It was like trying to explain emotions to someone who couldn't feel. It was impossible. He wouldn't understand.

"If I had any doubts, I wouldn't be here." Leah spoke, looking down at her lap.

"Have you kissed her yet?" Emmett asked.

Rosalie picked up her eyes from the page, glaring at her partner. She wasn't sure where he was getting at. She didn't want Leah to feel uncomfortable. The conversation was public. Anyone in the house could hear. She didn't put it past her family to not listen.

"Emmett," Rosalie warned.

"What? It's just a question. She's Bella's soul mate after all."

Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Just go back to your video games." When Emmett didn't move, the vampire continued, "now please."

Grumbling to himself, he stood up and went to continue his game. Rosalie turned her attention to Leah and scooted closer to her. The wolf turned to face the blonde. They exchanged  a glance, but Leah didn't say anything. "Do you want to go to bed?" The blonde asked, unsure of what to do. Without Bella, Leah seemed a little lost.Rosalie had to admit it was cute at how much  Leah resembled a lost puppy at the moment. She didn't know if Bella was coming back at the moment since Edward had not came home either. When the wolf answered negatively to the blonde's question, the vampire just nodded. She brought up her hands to Leah's face. "I'm going to check your eye okay?" She whispered, her finger's reaching the gauze. She peeled it back and her eye was still a bit swollen and the gash was still reddened. It had stopped bleeding of course, but it still didn't look so great.

"I look like shit, don't I?" Leah attempted to speak softly, but her voice was hoarse.

Rosalie laughed and shook her head as she lifted up the brunette's chin to look at her neck. "It's just a little weird that certain areas are taking longer to heal. Your neck seems okay on the outside though." She gave the wolf a small smile.

"My throat hurts though," Leah responded shutting her eye.

Before Rosalie could respond, she heard the door opening. Her nose was filled with Bella's scent as well as Edward's. She knew Leah had smelled Bella as well because she could pick up her quickened heartbeat and she was not sitting up straight and appeared to be anxiously waiting for her imprint to enter the room. Rosalie smiled at the sight. She would much prefer Bella to be with the wolf. If it made Leah this happy, she only imagined how it made Bella felt.

The pale brunette walked into the room, running her hand over her hair.Edward entered as well, his hand lightly brushing along her back. Emmett paused the game and looked up at his brother, knowing he had something to say. "Charlie wanted to know what happened to Leah." He spoke, turning to the wolf.

"Your mom called him, wondering if he had seen you. She was worried," Bella responded, meeting the wolf's sad eyes.

"What did you say?" Rosalie asked.

"We told him the truth," Edward shrugged, "Leah was attacked by a wolf."

"Charlie agreed to let me stay with the Cullens to keep you company," Bella muttered and walked over to the wolf, joining her on the couch and ending the discussion. Leah's eye followed her until the younger brunette sat herself and when they met each other's  glance, they smiled.

Rosalie noticed and smiled at the sight. She turned back to Edward who seemed to have noticed it as well. "Let's go talk to Carlise," Rose told the other two vampires. Emmett stood up and immediately went to join her, but Edward took a while to remove his eyes from the two. The blonde had to grab his arm and pull him for the vampire to turn his head and direct his attention toward her. Bella nor Leah noticed Edward's glare, they were too wrapped up in one another.

"What did my mom say?" Leah asked, looking away from Bella for a moment.

"Charlie talked to her, so I'm not sure. He just told me she was worried and wanted to know where you were. We told her Carlisle was treating you. Charlie wanted to come visit, but we convinced him otherwise."

Leah simply nodded and Bella reached out to place her hand on top of the wolf's warm one. The older brunette glanced back at Bella, giving her a small smile. She worried about her mother. She didn't think anyone would worry about her. She was surprised her mother did. She didn't think she approved of the imprint.

"How are you feeling?" Bella's fingers reached up to softly touch the skin around Leah's bandaged eye.

"Better," Leah responded a bit hoarsely.

Bella hummed her response and then dropped her hand as she slid an arm over Leah's shoulders. She scooted closer, resting her head against the wolf's collarbone. She could feel her warm skin through the shirt, it felt cozy. Leah wrapped an arm around Bella's waist, feeling the sliver of cool skin that was exposed. Her thumb managed to slip under the shirt, so she started to run her finger against the pale skin she found. Leah shut her eye and set her cheek on top of Bella's head, enjoying her presence. Just having her imprint near her made Leah feel immensely better. Her body didn't hurt as much. The pale brunette started to shift in her seat however, and the wolf set herself back.

"What's wrong?" Leah asked, slightly hurt that she might be the problem.

"I'm just tired and if we stay like that any longer I'm going to fall asleep," Bella gave a small chuckle, blushing.

The older brunette gave a slight nod at her words, unsure what to do next. She wasn't sure if her body was ready to walk just yet. Before either of them said anything, Rosalie rushed into the room. "I'm coming. I'm coming." She muttered and headed toward Leah. Bella stood up and moved away. The blonde vampire smirked at the wolf and bent over toward her. "Does the widdle baby want to go to sleep?"

Leah's chest rumbled in response and the vampire laughed before scooping the taller girl into her arms. She grunted, exaggerating the wolf's heaviness. The brunette rolled her eye and slapped Rosalie in the shoulder. Bella smiled at their friendship. It was unusual, but it was nice to see.

"Don't or I'll drop you," Rosalie warned as she headed toward the stairs.

Bella followed the two, chuckling at their antics. Once Rosalie had set Leah on the bed, the vampire quickly left without a word, but was smirking on her way out. The pale brunette entered the bed, kicking off her sneakers. She didn't bother changing into the clothes Alice had left for her. The moment she was able to change out of them, she did and she wasn't willing to go back to them. She kept her t-shirt and jeans on. The wolf scooted  in an attempt to make more room for Bella, but she was stopped.

"You're going to fall if you move any further. Just stay where you are," Bella told her and laid beside Leah.

She wrapped an arm around the taller brunette's torso and rested her head on top of her shoulder. She leaned up to press a light kiss on the wolf's jawline. "Night, Leah."

"Night, Izzy," she responded, her mind already cloudy with sleep to notice the slip of the pet name.

Bella smiled at the name and set her head back, shutting her eyes.


I know it's short, but :D I'm back.

fanfic, leah/bella, twilight, leah clearwater, femslash, bella swan, fic: star-crossed, swanwater

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