Star-Crossed Ch. 11

Sep 07, 2011 02:23

Author: Me 
Pairing: Leah/Bella 
Rating: PG-13 (this chapter) 
Warnings: None
Summary: After the death of her father, Leah couldn't figure out how anything could get worse, but it does. It seems that just when she's starting to understanding who she is, an event turns her whole life upside down.  Nothing, she believes, is ever going to go her way. Her ( Read more... )

fanfic, leah/bella, twilight, leah clearwater, femslash, bella swan, fic: star-crossed, swanwater

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gabbie217 September 7 2011, 17:24:37 UTC


I was literally biting my nails the entire time I read the last half of the chapter. And then I started crying. Angry/sad tears. And my heart broke when Jacob finished. I thought he was going to kill her. He needs to die. So does Edward. And Sam.

But I loved Rose distracting everyone so they could sneak off together. I forever love Rosalie and Jasper.

Yeah my icon? It is a huge understatement. But I don't have any sobbing icons to use. {I like my icons to match my reaction to the story ;] }

You did warn me tho... About this chapter... And let me tell you, even though I didn't reply, I was practically worried sick wondering who was going to be hurt. I was really kinda hoping it could be Bella so Leah could go all protective wolf with her. Or kill whoever hurt her.

As painful as it was, great chapter!! I love you and your writing enough to accept the heartbreaking words.



teerqesskq September 7 2011, 19:21:47 UTC
omg you wrote in caps.

Aww. I'm so sorry to make you nervous. It was hard for me to write. That's why it was relatively short.

hahaha. I understand. I think there will be some good and happy scenes coming up. I was actually going have Leah all into the fight and make it turn out so she ended on top, but I think Bella's always more sympathetic to the loser so lol.

thank you so much though! :DD


gabbie217 September 8 2011, 01:55:34 UTC
Oh I hope so! I need some serious fluff to heal my heart after this chapter!

This story is my favorite. It has everything I love and hate. And with each chapter it gets better and better. But when am I- I mean when are we gonna find out about what's up with Victoria and Leah's special powers? I'm anxious for that whole thing.

Can Sam get eaten by a lion? Please? He makes me so sad! And angry!

So man emotions. Please put me out of my misery and update!!! Puh-leeeeeease!!!



teerqesskq September 8 2011, 02:08:43 UTC
haha. I think Leah needs some fluff to heal herself too.

Wait...special powers?...refresh my mind so I know what you're referring to. haha.

haha. poor sam tho. Ahhhhh it was hot today so I wrote on paper rather than my laptop. But I am not done yet. Hopefully update will be soon!


gabbie217 September 9 2011, 03:50:00 UTC
Victoria once said she was more special then the other wolves. Like she had special powers or something awesome like that. It's why Victoria chose Leah for that secret little plan...

Why poor Sam? Him be bad. Him be mean. Rose should smack him upside the head so hard that he has a massive headache for as long as he lives. Haha.

Fluff!! So it's agreed! You shall give me-us fluff to heal us both!

Hurrrryyyyyy. Hurrryyy up! I know you've been posting quite fast lately... But uh, a leopard can't change it's spots or something like that... I still have little to none patience.. Haha. I shall try to occupy myself with catching up on ICBYS. In hopes you can finish the chapter in peace and post it that much quicker! Or something. ;]



teerqesskq September 9 2011, 06:09:32 UTC
Oh right lol. my bad. i got horrible memory lol. OMG I TOTALLY REMEMBER WHAT I WANTED TO DO WITH THAT!

hahaha. Well, maybe he can just get a good talking to.

and I'll try to put in as much fluff as I can. Like...hugging.

CREYS. I gave myself a break on writing today cause I was working on a graphic for this.


gabbie217 September 9 2011, 07:27:42 UTC

Anyways... Haha.

Could Rose I've it to him? Or maybe Jasper? Because Jasper could do all sorts of lovely things to his emotions... ;D but Rose could be all HBIC on his wannabe alpha idiotness.

FLUFFF! I have a love/hate relationship with this anticipation of you updating. I love it because when you do update I get mega excited and am super happy to finally read it! Yet I hate it because... It's agony. BUT FLUUUFFFF! The promise of fluff really helps my state of mind!

Graaaaaphiiiiic!!! I love graphics!! I cannot WAIT to see it!!

Who gave me a monster energy drink? Wasn't I banned from them? Haha. Oh wait. That was someone else.. Just... Shhh. You know nothing.



teerqesskq September 9 2011, 09:01:45 UTC
lol you'll find out later....

Hm. I haven't decided yet, but it might be one of them. Hell, he could have more than one person.

haha. Why is it agony?

I'm going to try to hurry uppp. And...I will note that you shouldn't have energy drinks.


gabbie217 September 10 2011, 06:51:04 UTC
Because everytime I see no update for this story, I cry a little. I almost said die a little but thought that was too dramatic. Even for me. Haha.

You. Are. Killing. Me. I don't wanna wait to find out about Leah's super powers! Aren't you glad I reminded you? You should update sooner as my reward! Bahahaha.



teerqesskq September 10 2011, 07:13:54 UTC
haha I will, It's just I was enrolling for classes and I'm just weirded out cause I had a hold on my record, but I sent what I needed to be sent recently...but I don't know what's happening and I'm waitlisted on these classes that I need to take and I need them to in order to have enough credits *cries* life is so frustrating right now.


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