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Oct 29, 2004 02:18

The Cycle of Servility

He is King of weak and dissolute men.
Hunger, Angst, Pain and Need are his knights
Of the realm, his mindless slaves, the wraiths he sends
To rend your body, to tear at your will, to slight
Your writhing resistance, and sniggering, ravage your soul
‘Til you crumble and yield and feed, feed his hunger
To satisfaction, feed him so the sludge,
The gluttonous mass of corruption, your mind spread over-
The grip that muddles your reason with fearful facility-
Stops squeezing, the vise stops hurting, the mind stops churning,
And all is abandoned to willowy pleasure, and then
You’re good, you’re fine, you’re safe, you’re warm and perfect.
But dubious trades for peace are how you’re caught.
He grows and bides his time in gleaming rot.
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