Life is funny

Mar 15, 2009 15:47

    I was just surfing through myspace, checking out my sisters profiles and such and ran across something that I really didn't think my youngest sister would ever post. She wrote that she hates me because I decided to move back to WA before Christmas. I can understand being upset, but hating me for it??? I did spend about 6 months home, and in that 6 months I thought I was building good relationships with my family, but apparently me leaving before Christmas was enough to make her hate me. To me that just doesn't make any sense.
    There have always been those moments when I would scream "I hate you all" out of frustration, anger, or sadness, or maybe a combination of all three, but I never hated my family. I just hated the situation I was in or something someone had said. I think right now I'm just confused as to why one decision of mine could make her hate me. I've always loved all of my sisters, but she's normally the one who makes the most effort to talk to me when I call, or even just call me up to talk, but lately, she's just been really off-putting toward me.
    I think the reason her words have hurt me so much, is that I've been planning a trip home with my boyfriend of 4 years ( a bit on and off, but still I really long time to be with someone) and I'm so excited to be able to spend time with my family and his family. His family is paying for the trip which I thoroughly appreciate because I wasn't expecting to be able to visit home for at least another 6 months to a year. Although this brings up a whole new issue...
    My father is classically old school when it comes to things like my boyfriend coming home to visit with me. He normally wants Sam to sleep on the couch and me to sleep upstairs with my sisters, much like it must have been back in the days of chastity belts and knights on horseback. I don't understand why allowing Sam and I to sleep in the same bed is such a no-no. It's not like I'm going to have sex in my parent's house, to me that would just be gross, as I think to think of my parents having sex in that house gross. I mean we have lived together for quite sometime, I guess my dad thinks we sleep in separate beds, like the old tv shows used to have married couples sleep in separate twin beds.
    I understand not wanting my sisters to think they can bring guys home and have them sleep over, but the difference is this, I'm 20, and have been with Sam for about the last 4 years, and we live together. That to me should be a clear sign that what applies to me does not apply to my sisters yet.
    Anyways, I always feel stuck out in no man's land, because Sam would love to come spend time with my family, but he doesn't want to feel like he's being treated like a teenager by sleeping in separate rooms and then my dad's point of view which is we're not married so we should sleep separately. Which to me is crazy because it's not like my dad is a religious nut, or that he even lives his life that way being him and Sally slept in the same bed even though they weren't married so I don't quite understand where this comes from.
    Anyhoo, I'm excited about this upcoming visit. And I hope we can find a nice comprise and hopefully it will be a successful visit. I'm really hoping it could be the first visit where my family and Sam gets along! Cross your fingers for me!!!!

life, travel, family

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