Nov 21, 2002 22:10

7 people that make you lauqh
1) meqan
2) destiny
3) felicia
4) my mom
5) myself
6) killion
7) homies

7 thinqs/people you love
1) [( .h i m. )]
2) my friendz
3) my computer
4) lauqhinq
5) phone
6) music
7) killion

7 thinqs/ people you hate
1) iqnorant people
2) preps
3) descrimination
4) homophobia
5) emotional pain
6) life
7) depression

7 thinqs on your computer desk
1) phone
2) monitor
3) speakers
4) a cup
5) my handz
6) keyboard
7) mouse

7 facts about you
1) i hate life
2) i'm easily amused
3) i would die without my bffz
4) i'm really lazy
5) i, obsessed w/ killion
6) i have problems
7) i cant hac for my life

7 things you can do
1) skate
2) talk
3) write poems
4) be myself
5) smile
6) cry
7) laugh

7 things you can't do
1) live w/o the phone
2) pass 9th qrade
3) sing well
4) not lauqh
5) stay still for a lonq period of time
6) be nice to people i dont like
7) lie i am to truthful

7 famous people you want to meet
1) brittney spears
2) justin timberlake
3) christina aguliera
4) killion's friend john
5) steve-o
6) adam sandler
7) josh hartner

top 7 things you say the most
1) no
2) qo for it
3) loser
4) im tired
5) im hunqry
6) freak
7) quack

top 7 bands/artists you love
1) MSI
2) NSF
3) NFG
4) Good Charlette
7) Jack Black ~ there killion

7 objects you love
1) phone
2) bracletz
3) qood food
4) spikes
5) fire
6) computer
7) care bear

7 thinqs you want to learn
1) i wanna kno wats wronq wit killion
2) italian
3) to sinq really really qood
4) to make a thonq [lmao des + meq]
5) how to drive
6) wats wronq with me
7) skateboard!! lol dez

7 foods/drinks you have all the time
1) pepsi
2) Ramen
3) lemonaid
4) chips
5) ice tea
6) cheese friez
7) bananas

7 random thouqhts
1) Ratmeniskus
2) komadonyyayah
3) cheese buqer n frienh fries
4) charzard monkey
5) doctor sniqqlepuss
6) REH
7) john is a freak!! *sorry im on the fone wit him n that was all him*

7 favorite friendships riqht now
1) meqan
2) destiny
3) john
4) brandon
5) adam
6) sam
7) freak luis
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