?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by
Quizilla Have you ever appreciated a sunset? Quite regularly
Were you alone or with someone special? Both
Have you ever been a guest at a surprise party? Yes. This year my stepfather threw my mother a surprise party for her 40th bday.
Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? Not that I can remember.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Not yet...
Have you ever been on TV? A few pathetic cameos, one being at a BHS basketball game in a large crowd.
Have you ever been to a theatre? (Also spelling "theater.") Sure.
Have you ever broken a bone? Chipped my right pinky bone playing vball in high school...stupid trisha
Have you ever broken up with someone? yeah, it was a pasttime of mine for a while
Has someone ever broken up with you? yup.
Have you ever called your boyfriend or girlfriend by the wrong name? Funny story. I dated two guys named "Eli" (I know it's hard to believe) anyways, on the way to prom sophomore year the second Eli said something silly and to reprimand him I called him by the other Eli's first and middle name. I know, leave it to me to find a way to mess that up.
Have you ever called your girlfriend/boyfriend "Honey?" Yes
Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? (For example, hair style, hair color or weight) Yes, I lost 35lbs in 4 or so months.
Have you ever cheated on an exam? No. I have never really had the need or desire to do that well
Have you ever cried in public and embarrassed yourself? I cried once when I had $80 stolen from me at a movie theatre. I never like to cry even around one person, so outside on the steps to the theatre was quite a change for me. I had, however, a more internal reason than the money. I had turned in two purses that week to people who had forgotten them only to have all of my money stolen the instant I left my purse unattended. That was when I stopped believing in Karma.
Have you ever cried for no reason and felt good because of it? Oh sure. I am an unstable woman afterall.
Have you ever dated someone from another race, culture or religion? Not really...
Have you ever dated someone who didn't like you? Why the hell would I do that? Wait a minute, why would THEY do that?
Have you ever dated a relative by accident? EW! I know this is Lenawee County, but honestly..
Have you ever done something silly that you wish you had not done? I do a lot of silly things, most of them wonderful
Have you ever driven a sports car? Define "sports car." Oh I guess my mom's old stang was pretty sporty in its day
Have you ever driven a truck? Once or twice
Have you ever eaten in a restaurant and realized you have no money with you? Yes. That is what plastic and rich friends are for
Have you ever finished eating in a restaurant, and you realized you forgot your wallet? Yes. That is what track is for
Have you ever eaten something that you thought you wouldn't like, but found out that you actually liked it? I think everyone has...
Have you ever eaten frog legs? Love 'em
Have you ever eaten horse meat? No
Have you ever eaten French food? (Substitute other countries' food, too.) Of course
Have you ever fallen asleep and forgotten where you were? That happens more often than I think is healthy (I don't FEEL like I sleep around)
Have you ever fallen asleep while taking a bath? no
Have you ever fallen down the stairs? Ha! Yes. I am so clumsy it is dangerous to be around me. Once I cracked my head and then snapped my neck falling down my parents' back staircase. Stacey tried to stop me, but alas it was too late.
Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? Yeah. Oddly enough, a guy who went to SHU and was a pres scholar with me I told my mother I was going to marry after meeting him. I guess that's not an isolated event though, I have strong instinctual feelings about everyone that I meet or see.
Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others? Again, me clumsy, so yes
Have you ever forgotten your mother's birthday? Never! I would die
... father's? No
... girlfriend's? No
... boyfriend's? NO
... husband's? Not yet
... wife's? Don't imagine that will ever happen
Have you ever given a false excuse to get out of something you didn't want to do? If so, tell us about it. Too many times to talk about, or maybe "I'm too busy watching MTV at 5am to answer your question"
Have you ever given a ring (or other jewelry) to your girlfriend/boyfriend? I try not to buy jewelry for men. It doesn't go well
Have you ever gone mountain climbing? No, but I will (I have all of the gear)
Have you ever gone skiing? Yes (Love it despite my inability to do it)
Have you ever gone surfing? Tried it (so hard!)
Have you ever dreamt of a ghost being in your bedroom and then waking up and finding yourself looling around for the ghost? Actually, at my parents' house I have actually woken up to faces. Their house was a funeral home and let's just say it isn't only occupied by the living.
Have you ever gone to greet a friend or family member then noticed it was someone else? Yes. I am retarded
Have you ever gotten sunburnt at the tanning saloon and gone back the next day? I don't believe in tanning. I plan on living and not looking like a leather handbag when I am older
Have you ever had a Deja Vu experience? Didn't you just ask me that?
Have you ever made cheesecake? Never. I love it though, and Eli made me one this past year for me bday that Adam and I devoured
Have you ever made Chinese food? Tried, but now I leave it to them
Have you ever baked bread? Hell no. It costs like a buck
Have you ever met a celebrity? Actually, I just met, talked with, and got autographs from my new favorite band "Social Code." I went to the night 89x Stole Christmas (thanks Cole) and got to talk to them
Have you ever played a joke on one of your teachers? Oh sure
How about one of your classmates? yeah
Have you ever raised your hand to answer a question, then forgot what you were going to say? No. I always have something to say. Whether it's relevent, sensical or appropriate, however, is another question
Have you ever received a present that you really hated? Yes. Every year thank you gma Millie, and thank you Scott and Ashley for taking those hideous stuffed gingerbread people
What was it? See above
Why did you hate it? I am almost 22. Scented stuffed gingerbread people is not appropriate at any age unless the giftee is a lonely fat kid
Who gave it to you? my gma
Have you ever regretted saying I love you? only when it caused the recipient more pain than joy
Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes in fifth grade since they made me. I hate them
Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? Yes. A lot. I love them!
Have you ever said yes when you meant no? what kind of question is that?
If so, tell us about it. NO. and I mean NO.
Have you ever slept in a cave? I have slept in an appliance box. Does that count?
Have you ever slept in a tent? Tons. Every year in May for 8th grade camp (at least then). There is also all of those Karl torturing nights at Burger's house too
Have you ever swam in the ocean? Every year
Have you ever talked to a famous person? Didn't I cover this? Well, I guess I also had a convo with LEWIS BLACK! When Bettis and I went to the Daily Show we, or rather I, talked to him on a NYC corner after the show
Who was the person? Um, Lewis Black
How long did you talk? A few minutes
What did you talk about? The show and the weather
Have you ever thought of something funny and started laughing out loud in the presence of others? Yes. People think I am insane
Have you ever told a big lie to someone you love? I did, but never again
Have you ever tried in-line skating? I am a frickin pro
Have you ever tried riding a skateboard? I need more life insurance before I do that again
Have you ever guessed someone's age wrong (younger or older)? How did the person respond? Well, my high school vball coach forced my team to guess (we chose 26 when he was actually 23) and he went nuts and made us run. Don't feel too bad though, he went to jail for rubbing himself on girls in his youth group (yeah he was a really good guy...)
Have you ever been in the shower when there was an earthquake? no, I don't shower in California or Japan
Have you ever ripped off your pants while dancing? Wow! That is a really good idea
Have you ever kissed somebody by mistake? Yes. Try this past Halloween. Alcohol is not my friend. Those around me, however, have no complaints
Have you ever laughed until tears came from your eyes? almost daily
Have you ever fallen asleep while talking on the phone? yikes that's rude, no
Have you ever sprained your ankle/wrist? How did it happen? Ok, so this is a good story to. I have sprained both of my ankles. The first time I sprained my right ankle was in 8th grade and I was making fun of my track coach. She always warned us not to run on the curbs because she said we would sprain our ankles. I mocked her, and I paid the price. I then decided to run at the big final race, favored my other foot too much and sprained the other ankle. I was immobile.
Have you ever written an article for a newspaper? Several, although I don't know that the Spectra could be called a newspaper
If so, when was it and what was the article about? The homeless shelter, the food drive, Habitat's concert
Have you ever seen a car accident? Yes. When I was on the way home from a track meet I saw the worst accident ever. A woman flew out of a sun roof and was killed right in front of our bus
Have you ever called your school's principal? No, but I have been in his car and I ate with him, as for the pres of SHU we're much closer
Have you ever received more than 10 cards on Valentines day? Yes
Have you ever been on the radio or television? this again? no radio I don't think
Have you ever ridden on an ostrich? A camel? A cow? Heck no, no, no. I did ride an elephant at the circus (apparently I was a cute kid)
Have you ever shaken hands with a monkey? no
Have you ever received a love letter? yes (Evan...Tyler..)
Have you ever seen a tornado? Yes. scary stuff
Have you ever had an electricity blackout while taking a shower? Yes. It is ridiculous how fast the hot water disappears
Have you ever picked you're nose in public? only if I have a nose-goblin
Have you ever walked into a lamppost? No, other things sure
Have you ever wondered why some people want to be alone but never seem to be lonely? Why do you think this is so? Yes. I hate them. I need people around all the time
Have you ever tried to eat food without first spitting out your chewing gum? Yes and today I ate cherries while storing all of their pits in my mouth
Have you ever saved a piece of chewed chewing gum and started chewing it again later? ew, it costs so little, why not get a new piece
Have you ever called a 'he' she or a 'she' a 'he?' What was the response? no
Have you ever called a women sir or a Man "ma'am?" no
Have you ever asked a woman when she was "due" and she wasn't even pregnant? I refuse to ask that question specifically to avoid that situation