Jul 06, 2005 13:10
I have discovered the way to stay young forever...never leave Blissfield.
This is going to be a long and boring entry, so if you have no desire to know what I did all weekend, skip reading it.
Saturday afternoon at work, Jason came in and talked to me for over an hour. It was so nice to see him sober. After work, I picked him up and we went to the pond. His family was having a big fourth of July reunion, so there were a million people there.
We swam for a while and then Renee joined us and we ate some food. On my way home, I was driving on 223 when I noticed the guy in the car next to me was behaving oddly. I looked over and to my surprise saw Melvin. He followed me home and we talked for a while.
Later, Jason, Renee and I went to Nate & Rachel's house where I got to see their baby Noah. He is just about the cutest baby ever and Rachel is so good with him, it's like motherhood was perfect for her.
At around 11, Jason, Nate and I went to Toledo to go visit Mark. Yes, Mark Hudson. Seventh grade long-term boyfriend Mark Hudson. We all went drinking at a sports bar and ended up staying the night at Renee's.
Sunday I spent all day with Mark, Jason and Renee out at the pond. I took a brief jaunt up to Devil's Lake, but had to leave before the fireworks. Nick came over and him and I went to Tracy and Matt's to set off our own fireworks. Nick stayed the night.
Monday Becky joined us and after Fazolis, the three of us went swimming at Tyler's house. Nick had to leave around 5, but Becky stayed until 10 or so. We talked a lot about how stupid we were for trusting men, how her apartment next year is going to be conveniently located down the road from the soccer house (wink wink nudge nudge), and how we're going back to our old ways of meaningless making out, but this time we're going to be hitting the bottle too.
We also talked about where we were going to grad school and how we should go somewhere far, far, away...together. She may be going to North Carolina with me as I am now looking for a traveling partner.
After she left, I went to Toledo with Mark and we bar hopped for a while. I passed out over there.
Tuesday was pretty uneventful in the beginning. My mother and I went to the gym and then ate lunch together. I then painted for the majority of the day (a sandal art project). I decided to go rollerblading around dusk and ended up at the top of the park hill talking to Dani and Nipper. Their wedding is rapidly approaching...As I was talking to them Scott beeped me and told me he was in the park, so he came up the hill and picked me up in the golf cart and we cruised around. We actually got to see a baby tiger and Scott's dad pet it.
Ashley and Kafer joined us for some more carting and a Meijer run. After getting groceries, I fell asleep watching the Wedding Singer with Eli.
All in all, it was a good, extremely eventful and extremely intoxicated weekend, followed by a whole lot of Pre-festival fun. Today after work, I am supposed to grab some food with Eli and then do more of the same golf-carting with Scott.
I am so excited for the festival this year. I remain hopeful in all of the other aspects of my life, although it has almost been a week without a single word. I guess that whatever happens, happens. I could be going through a divorce like Mark is...if I were insane!
People my age should be: partying, studying, laughing, exercising, working, and searching
People my age should not be: having babies, getting married, quitting school, doing drugs, developing bad lifelong habits, getting divorced, or becoming bitter already.
I am bitter, but it contradicts my sweetness, so it works.
Peace out playas.
If you want something to do, come to my house on Friday before the fireworks. Should be a good time.
That means you DJ. I miss ya, hope California was fun!