My Christmas Present, from My Own Present-day Poe

Dec 29, 2009 14:48

Once upon a morning dreary, while I lie in bed, so weary,
O'er many a quaint and curious thought of Christmases before,
While I nodded, in recision, suddenly there came a vision,
Of a life I once had lived in, all those Christmases before.
"'Tis some memory," I muttered, "Of those Christmases before.
This it is and nothing more."
Ah, distinctly I remember all those past and bleak Decembers,
With ne're a spark or ember of a woman I adored.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow From Zelda and Super Mario, happiness not found before - For the rare and radient maiden who I'd lost some years before - Named Christina evermore.
And the strange and random popping of the raindrops outside dropping Tell me -sell me on fantastic thoughts I've never thought before;
So that now to still the beating of my heart I lie repeating "Yes, Christina is entreating though I don't quite know what for - I'm a dork and have bad timing though Christina I adore; -Should we try it just once more?"
Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer, I penned a poem I thought of from a tshirt on the floor;
But the fact is that I love you,
and I see no one above you,
And if you let me love you I will do so evermore.
For I'm pretty sure it's fated that our story shall be lore;
- Love and trust - forevermore
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