Jun 22, 2007 22:03
ahhhh, so i'm in beijing. how long i've been here, i don't even know. all i know is that i'm too crazy and disoriented to update my official china blog, so you all get a quick (and mostly disjoined) update.
for a moment last night, i hated this place. i was really really really annoyed that i could figure out how to do any of the list of ten things i need to do. not even hard things, but like... buy paper. i don't know where to buy PAPER!! then i realized i was hungry (this was, mind, after i've been awake for approximately 28 hours and 8 hours without food, so if i sound completely irrational, it's probably because i am), but then i realized that if i ate something, i might get sick... so i decided not to eat anything at all. i went to the store to buy tissues and milk. i managed to buy tissues (the scent of which, i'm allergic to) and soy bean milk (which is not sweetened because i can't read the labels on the bottles...). yea, so i was pretty sad that i can't do anything right yesterday, but i'm learning. don't buy the yellow bottle of soy bean milk, and don't buy tissues that have leaves on the front. check.
now to call daddy's friends and hope to confucious (i just passed by his statue :) ) that someone helps me cash my traveller's checks and buy me a cellamaphone so next time i get lost i have slightly more hope finding my way home...
until next time!