Hey all! Didya miss me, like, at all? I been busy, and tired, and busy, and did I mention I've been exhausted?
So, one of the many things I've got on my plate these days is that I've taken over website maintenance for our store's website, lucky me. Our friend, Joe, who used to do this job (he was happy to hand it over to me) just emailed, saying that he tried to check it at work, just to see how I was doing, but he can't get to it. It's there, it just won't download for him on the screen, or something like that:
"I can resolve the IP address, meaning that the server is there, but the website is unreachable."
I checked and found a perfectly fine website, and that's on a computer that's a mile away from the computer I used to put new product up on the website all day yesterday.
Could you guys check the site and let me know if there's a problem, OR that you can see it fine. No sound, but image-heavy. LOTS OF NEAT STUFF, but yeah, it takes a moment to fill in all those pictures.
http://www.legendsofsuperheros.com I'm hoping it's just being blocked by his work computer (not sure Joe ever used his computer at work to look at the site before!)