I was away for a bit, and when I came back, somewhat less virusy and root-kitted-out than before, I found that
beccatoria on LJ had done a wonderful thing. She had taken my suggestion, which was that she edit a Farscape vidlet to Ramona Fall's "Fever", and created not merely a vidlet, but a fully-fledged MUSIC VID OF PURE UNADULTERATED AWESOME. You can see it here (sadly, not embeddable):
http://beccatoria.livejournal.com/136650.html In her own words:
I'm bored and out of vid ideas that I can actually work on right now (due to waiting for footage, collaboration or inspiration). Thus I declare NaViMaMo! National (well, you know, for the great state of beccatoria) Vidlet (I'm aiming for about a minute, but it may be half or twice that) Making Month. Below you will find a list of fandoms I can vid. Comment with a song choice. I will make you a vidlet.
She's done 18 since November 5th. Lest you think she's just cranking these things out, I have to tell you that so far, each one has been a jewel of visual joy. She listed the fandoms she'd work in and nobody had picked Farscape yet, so I thought about what songs would really click with the most effed-up crew of space reprobates since the crew of the Liberator and Ramona Falls' much-adored "Fever" popped into my head, specifically as a backdrop for John and Aeryn's strange, rocky, and years-long romance.
Here's the original deeply creepy music vid for the song, which I like to watch at least a couple of times a week:
Click to view
Now I have a new vid to watch over and over and OVER again! Thanks again,