Jan 17, 2010 14:04
Dear GOP:
Are you kidding me? Twenty-two robotic phone calls in three days? And let me point out that it's a bit odd to have a robot tell me that it's a "volunteer" -- indeed, I did not know that robots could *be* volunteers. I mean, they're ROBOTS. My point is, if you had a live human being on the phone, he or she could be a volunteer. Do you see the difference? Or do you basically see any human being you can use to an end as a minion, and therefore they might as well be a robot, so now you are confusing the two?
Most of your robots chirp in perky, girlish cheerleader-tones, but the oddest robot of all blares with an elderly Pat Boone's voice pumped to a high decibel -- is this in aid of getting partially-deaf ex-bobbysoxers out there a-votin' next Tuesday, perhaps in hope that their once-heartthrob might show up in person at the voting booth to hand out kisses and autographs? Because I cannot imagine why you would think anyone else would care about Pat Boone, let alone who Pat Boone thinks would make a good senator for Massachusetts. This also makes me wonder who your party will be using in another thirty years* to stump for votes -- um, Kid Rock? MC Hammer? A Jonas brother who survives the great boy-band purge of Two-Aught-Fifteen?
Look, we all know that your guy is some loser your party scraped from the bottom of the barrel on the assumption that no way, no how could a Republican candidate ever win in Massachusetts -- nobody was more surprised than you that he's doing quite well in the polls. What a pity that the Democrats put up such a similarly pathetic loser on the assumption that anyone with the Democratic seal of approval would be handed the job with a ribbon on it, no probs.
We're still not sure who we're going to vote for at this point because the choice seems to be A) crap and B) crap, but your phone calls are tipping me over into the Democrat camp simply because THEY ARE NOT SPAMMING US WITH INSULTINGLY PATRONIZING SPAM PHONE CALLS.
NO love,
Teeny Gozer
Registered Independent since the first time I voted back in the 80s
*This assumes a Republican Party still exists in thirty years, you nimrods.