Zack, our most nervous and flighty cat, has had something weird going on for the past week to 10 days. He refuses to go out, not even to just lay out on our porch, until exactly 10:29pm. Then, he goes to the front door and hits it with his paw, meowing in this shrill, annoying pitch to go out. So, we let him out and he goes off, running around our quiet dark neighborhood for an hour or so, coming home just before we go to bed. If we interfere by opening the door for him or even just going near him before 10:29pm, it messes him up, and he gets twitchy and refuses to go out, but if we completely ignore him and don't interact with him at all, at EXACTLY 10:29pm, without fail, he goes for the door. If Mulder were still alive, I'd demand he investigate this X-File. Scully predictably says, "He's just being an idiot, as usual; there's no X-File here!"
Serena's hatred of other cats has, if anything, grown in the past few weeks, so I'm very happy to be able to say we got her a new home. She'll be relocating some time in the next couple of weeks: back to Connecticut from whence she came! But here are a few pictures of her in all her adorableness. I used up an entire role of film shooting her, and I can tell you, these were the best ones. It is REALLY HARD to take pictures of a black cat, they absorb light like a black hole:
I have a mouth, you just can't see it.
I have nothing against those other cats. I just want them dead. Is that so wrong?
Spend what you will on cat toys, kitties love brown package-filler paper, especially when someone has sprinkled it with catnip.
Scully and Vala on our back steps. If the Queen and the Princess can somehow live together without ripping one another's heads off, I don't understand why Selena can't manage it.
I CAN HAS LOLCAT! Those are the lyrics of a rap song that cracks me up -- the rapper invokes Will Robinson and Dr. Smith at one point. Oh, and he actually says, "Security will ex-scort you out the building", which is the best NYC accent ever, and I say that as someone who watches The Nanny on those occasions when I miss my place of birth's accent.
Princess Vala says: Don't Tread On Me! I love how her eyes match the plants.
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I can put you in the hospital for two days with one bite. (The pillow behind Zack says "Dream".)
This is one of the best shots of Miss Scully-wully-woo I've been able to take: usually she will fling herself at the camera to bump heads with it the minute I aim it at her. She does Pretty Paws really well, she's got them tucked up on the door-opening piston thingie.
They tried to make me go to boxhab, I said, "No, no, no!"
I have more, but I think I spammed you guys enough.