(no subject)

Nov 01, 2011 15:59

I want to practice more dog breeds again, so you can help me as well :D

Post here your character sheet (it can be a dog/canine or not) and I'll draw him/her on a feral form. The one BUT is: I'll pick a random breed, so if your character is a muscled-tone one, you have to expect I might draw him/her like a chihuahua, as sample. Like so, if your character is a Husky, you have to expect I'll draw him like a Poodle. These are free (You'll have a 800x600 sketch like the sample), but for 3$ I'll color it and I'll send you a higher resolution pic of it :)

Sample of a sketch | sample of the colored sketch.

I'll put 6 by now... If there's more people interested in these I'll add more slots. DON'T WORRY if you ask for a free sketch, these are done with love :)

1.- marblestheskunk / Free done.
2.- michikip / ??
3.- rileycostello / free
4.- rileycostello / free

And here's another deal: If I get the 6 slots full (and done), I'll pick one winner (with the random.org page) and the winner will have a full coloured pic for free. (If the winner paid for the pic, I'll draw another coloured pic for free).

Request away!
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