Dec 27, 2016 16:49

Copied from my FB:

Please comment to talk about the political actions you're planning to take part in during the next month. I'll come and show support if I can.

I'll start: on Jan. 21, I will march in Boston. I don't know with whom yet, and I'm open to recommendations.
Jewish Voice for Peace Boston is hosting a civil disobedience training session on Monday, Jan. 23.
On Wednesday, Jan. 25, also hosted by Jewish Voice for Peace Boston and taught by BARCC, there's a workshop on active bystander intervention (practicing ways to intervene and assist the targeted person if you see public harassment). I can always use more practice in that.
(It'll be a nice haggis sandwich of a week: in between these events is Burns Night. #whahae In non-political news, registration is now open; you need to sign up in advance if you want to order dinner, and it's always a good time for folkies and fans of Scottish culture.)

I'm also going to a letter-writing party on Thursday, Jan. 26. Since it's at a private home, I won't link to the FB event, but it starts at 7:00, it's near where I live, and the focus will be announced by the host as we get closer to the date (sadly, I'm sure there will be some fresh fuckery to write our representatives about, and even if I'm wrong and January is a wonderful month for our country, we can write our representatives to thank them for accurately representing us).

I'm interested in whatever you think is important, and doubly so if it's in the Boston area.

politics, doing what i can, fuckface von clownstick, murica

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