Arisia is this weekend! I understand all the cool kids are posting their schedules. I am involved in but three program items, all of them singing-centered. All of these are open and participatory sessions, with leaders to make things move along smoothly and call on people to contribute. I also intend to take advantage of my leadership role to get a few extra songs in.
Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Singing in the Pool. I have no idea how big the crowd will be, but I'm bringing a swimsuit and brainstorming songs about water and mermaids and sea-monsters. I presume people who won't or can't go in the water can sit or stand at the side of the pool to participate. Will check on this.
Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Traditional Ballad Bingo. I could care less about the "bingo" element, though it's funny. I'm just there to facilitate and enjoy good singing.
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Gospel Sing. I am psyched, and hope lots of people come. I have a surprise item or two to teach participants. Both ironic filk hymns and gospel, and real gospel, are welcome.
Other than that, I'm just going to attend all the dancing, theater, and singing sessions I can get to, and check out a few panels and discussion groups if I can fit that in too. I may be involved in the "Doom, Gloom, and Despondency" open mic session on Sunday at 5:30, if everything works out.