Selfies with sphinxes

Oct 24, 2015 10:51

(Sphinges? Spinks? One Spink, two Spinks.)

So I occasionally share my photos on Tumblr. Since I consider LJ my true home, and since LJ's capacity for picture hosting is rubbish, I'm going to just start linking my photo posts here when I've done something I think worthy of sharing with you all.

I visited Burlington, VT back in August just for the hell of it, took a ton of photos, then came home and had one of my frequent What Am I Doing With My Life I'm An Aesthetic Sham crises and never did much with the photos till now. Let me right that ancient wrong.

Behold: me, back in August, in a small park between a major highway and a supermarket, outside Burlington. [Edit: it's the Pomerleau Neighborhood Park.] I wanted to see if this park was as bizarre as I remember it being, five years ago on my last visit, and it did not disappoint me.

All the statues depict sphinxes, with wings, some with two faces/fronts and some single entities up on pillars grown with masses of vines. The statues are by Leslie Fry, whose website has excellent photos of the park, including autumn depictions of the sphinxes wrapped in reddening vine leaves.

Sphinxes gaze in one another's eyes in the sunlight. There's a love story there if we only knew what it was. "All day the same our postures were/ And we said nothing all the day."

These shots give some idea of the shape of the park: a round center planting, full of slim trees and overflowing with lush ivy vines, and a sphinx enjoying the view from the heart of things. Not depicted: a matter-of-fact local woman with a cigarette, who posed for me in front of the seated sphinxes to give them a sense of scale. The park is tiny and it takes up one little corner of a supermarket plaza parking area, and the woman walks through it every day to go shopping. She looks pleasant with a background of sphinxes, but I'm not going to use her photo without her permission, even though I really really want to.

Tall, vine-crowned sphinx photobombing me, as depicted above; my favorite sphinx is the one with the piece of supporting metal just visible through her face; bonding with a new friend.

adventures, sphinx, my photos, statues, unreal places, art, sculptures

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