Another year older! RRRGH! Another year older!

Oct 17, 2015 11:53

Oh, by the way, I'm thirty-four now. It feels good so far.

My present to myself is going to be a new mic. I have one fresh goal for this year: learn how to do decent recordings of myself reading aloud, and read poetry and short stories and make them available on the internet. I'm mentioning this to you all in public, to make myself accountable. This is because I've meant to try such an undertaking in the past, and always thrown it over in favor of something that seemed more urgent at the time. This time I'm actually going to go through with it. When I do, you'll be the first to know.

In prior years I've asked people to send me music, or link me to songs they've been enjoying. Same request this year. Whatever you think I would like, or whatever you're enjoying at the moment.

accountability, songs, birthday, music

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