Valderee, valdera, valderee, valdera-ha-ha-ha-HA-ha, valderee...

Aug 08, 2015 21:59

And today I went for a hike with a Meetup group, into the wilds of the Middlesex fells. It was excellent and I'm glad I went. It's ridiculous that I've lived in the Boston area for three years, and in Somerville for four months, and not been there yet. But now I've remedied that. Pine trees, deep woods, and open hilltops, rolling terrain, and a mixture of easy walking trails you could drive up with a golf cart, and craggy rocks you have to scramble over. There's a reservoir, though you can't swim in it. You can rent a boat (which seems potentially much grosser, but there you go, no one said they had to be consistent). We saw a family letting their two little girls swim off the side of their canoe. Shortly, a ranger popped out of the woods and yelled and scolded and carried on. I was too polite to watch. The temptation of the water was too great for anyone really to be blamed.

Does anyone feel interested in my organizing a group hike, to explore the Fells some more in the next couple of months? If so, let me know and I'll include you when I start planning that. 

adventures, travels, nature, hiking, the great outdoors

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