send your plants unto me

Jun 01, 2015 16:22

I just posted this on the book of face, but I thought it also appropriate here:

If anyone in the greater Boston area has flowers, herbs, or other garden plants that they want to divide up and/or get rid of, please tell me and I'll come take some. There's a lot of planting space in our yard and not enough cool stuff growing here. I'm in search of periwinkles, thyme, sage, lilies, day lilies, foxgloves, violets, bleeding heart, Solomon's-seal, peonies, honeysuckle, clematis, creeping phlox, and anything else pretty or scented or cool-looking or tasty. So, y'know. Hit me up if you wanna thin out your plants. I love purple and blue flowers, but, really, I'll take anything. The only things I don't need are basil, yarrow, and rosemary, as I have plenty of those thanks to redcolumbine and my own rosemary-rooting ability.

gardening, plants, the green place, flowers, garden log

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