Aug 10, 2013 19:45
I'm home sick. Had to miss out on hanging out with friends, a party, and a dance thing, and I'm crabby as hell about it. Runny nose, very low-level cold and sore throat.
Nobody optimizes their sick day better than I do. I applied for three different friggin' jobs and did the paperwork for a fourth to be handed in tomorrow, then I made pancakes, then I wrote a long, difficult e-mail to an old teacher of mine which I'd been putting off for weeks, then I worked on my resume.
Still to do:
--brush and braid hair
--go for a bike ride lest legs lose muscle mass
--work on own writing
Off to do all that. I just wanted to brag about my day first, because damn. Usually I would lie around reading fanfic all day. There's a bug bite on my arm--my superhero name can be Busy Bee (and my power can be making my enemies barf with cutesiness).