Rec: "Lavinia, live"

Apr 21, 2011 14:18

Guys, lignota  wrote Titus Andronicus fanfic for the ides_of_april  fic exchange, and it's great!  I almost didn't read it, because, well, it's based on Titus Andronicus, which is a soul-destroyingly cruel play.  If I'd avoided it, though, I would have missed out on something brilliant.  My curiosity overcame me and I read this the other night, and it's been haunting me ever since.

Go, read.  It's a must-see for anybody who's read the original.  It addresses the character as she appears in the play, and as she appears in ways that the play never develops.

From the author's title notes:

Title: Lavinia, live
Author: lignota
Play/Poem: Titus Andronicus
Recipient: the_alchemist
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ten things that Lavinia might have done, afterwards.
Warnings: References to canonical rape and mutilation, culturally accepted infanticide.
Author's Note: AU, in that Lavinia survives the ending of the play. The section titles are based on the twelve Dii Consentes of ancient Rome. Following Shakespeare, I have not striven for historical consistency. Lines from Euripides’s The Trojan Women are from a translation by Moses Hadas and John McLean.

Story is here.

shakespeare, fic, fandom, fanfic, plays: titus andronicus, recs, plays

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