Derek/Stiles + The Pack and/or Derek Visits Stiles at College w/College-Friends' Reactions

Jun 18, 2013 00:29

Hey All,

This is a specific fic search and a general fic search that both deal with the same premise... So I am in the mood for some Derek/Stiles fics that center around Stiles at college and how his college roommate/friends react to the Pack and Derek visiting. I'm looking for any kind of fics that deal with this scenario whether they are funny or filled with drama/angst. Any length or rating is fine... though the longer the better!

I remember a specific fic that deals with the same premise that I most definitely want to read as well and what I remember is:

* Stiles lives with a rommate and the guy is there when the pack first comes to visit. They all kind of crowd Stiles on the couch(?) and scent mark him have a littl puppy pile and the guy thinks it weird.
* Derek shows up a little after they rest of the pack and Stiles has a little moment with Derek that's full of scenting/marking/cuddling at the door(?) and the roommate sees that as well.
* I think the whole pack kind of sleeps together (platonically) that night on Stiles' bed or on the living room floor... the roommate is weirded out.
* I think this was on AO3, was less than 10,000 words and I think it had a lower rating.

Thanks in advance!

X-Posted to teenwolffinders

ETA: Specific fic found and linked in comments.... but I am still looking for general fic recs along the same lines!! ;P

genre: fluff, character: derek hale, character: stiles stilinski, pairing: derek/stiles, genre: slash, looking for: recs

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