Okay, all I remember is the very end. Like THE VERY END which is why I'm going crazy trying to find it! It was either a one shot or a very small fic.
I believe the fic follows the Sheriff's POV and the very end was he had been bit at some point in the fic and had then proceeded to kill the alpha who bit him (Peter or Delucion or even Gerard, I'm not sure) which means he's now alpha and the end joke was him telling Stiles he could eat all the meat he wanted and Stiles had to let him since he was alpha now.
That's it. That's all I remember and I know it was a great fic which is why I'm dying to read it again.
Hope someone can help me! Thank you!
*Edited because I can't spell. :(
Look Inside Your Mind by etrix who was kind enough to point me in the right direction.
10-91E Doesn't Quite Cover It by neierathima was suggested by dhrachth. Thank you so much!