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FILL: Laid Bare For Me (Derek/Stiles affected) part 1/3, NC17 anonymous January 16 2013, 22:11:16 UTC
You're not sure when you first noticed the curve of his lips, the bow of his mouth or the paleness of his neck. Maybe, when he was hauling your wet, ungrateful ass from the bottom of the pool. Maybe, even before that. You don't think about before. You don't think much about the past. What has transpired has transpired and you'd rather slit your own throat open than wallow over water under the bridge.

It's not that you can't help yourself. Because you can. Whenever Stiles flails and the whiff of his natural scent hits you like the waves of the ocean, you reign down the spiraling need. Whenever Stiles stretches his long legs, sitting slumped on the battered chair in the house, you deflect from the thoughts of those long, pale, legs clutching around your waist as you slide into him over and over again until he's incoherently begging and moaning and melting because of you, because you're inside him...

"Derek, dude, is that okay?" You snap out of it, reluctantly, and turn sideways to face Scott as Stiles sits up properly in the chair and watches the two of you.

"Yeah. Sure."

Scott lets a breath of relief and nods enthusiastically, "Great, see you tomorrow then."

You have no idea to what you just said yes to.

"You have no idea to what you just said yes to -- do you?" Stiles snorts, lips twitching to suppress a full-blown smile and you glare at them, at him, at his encompassing presence in your life, in your pack, on your turf, and in your mind.

"Hey, I am just an innocent bystander." Stiles' hands are poised in front of him, his body shaking with chuckles as he gets up and passes you on his way to the doorway. "By the way, you just invited Mrs. McCall and Allison to lunch tomorrow."

Oh shit. Great. You're so fucked.

"Are you feeling okay?" You don't turn around, you don't want to know the way Stiles' face is laced with concern or what shade his eyes turn as he scrutinizes you and your lack of concentration.

"Fine." You bite out and stalk towards the kitchen to see if there's anything edible to serve tomorrow to a concerned parent of a teen werewolf and the daughter of the hunter family that can't stand to see you breathe.

"I'll stop by and bring the dessert."

You swallow around the dry lump in your throat at the words, Stiles' footsteps echoing away from you and you can't help thinking about Stiles and dessert, Stiles and dessert -- dessert Stiles, until you're in the shower and jerking off, remembering what you'd really like for dessert tomorrow as your fingers squeeze roughly around the head of your cock and the vision of Stiles' face smiling at you makes you lose it, shuddering and coming in short, stuttering spurts all over the shower floor.


Re: FILL: Laid Bare For Me (Derek/Stiles affected) part 1/3, NC17 fairyniamh January 16 2013, 22:25:49 UTC
Poor Derek. You made me chuckle nonnie (which is kind of hard to do.) Lookig forward to reading more.:)


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