Aug 05, 2012 12:03

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Previous prompting posts: round one, round one favorites, round two, round two recs and favorites, round three, spoilery prompt post, the other pairings post, and the gen and pack fic post.

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These posts will remain open to preserve the fic contained within.

!modpost, derek/stiles post, dylan/tyler h post, prompt post

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Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 1) Possible spoilers for 2x4 anonymous August 5 2012, 22:56:26 UTC
Author's Note: Set in episode 2x4, but quickly departs from canon.

As soon as he'd sensed the fear in Stiles's voice, his body had morphed into its wolf form and he was racing through the woods toward the mechanic's, all thoughts eclipsed by the need to save the boy from the kanima. Five minutes later, Derek was prowling the outside of the garage, hunting for a clue that would tell him what he might face inside. The putrid smell of the kanima was dissipating, leaving the air full of Stiles's clean scent and something else, something it took him a few seconds to place. When he realized it was the mingled odors of fresh blood and decay, Derek charged through the locked door, terrified that the beast had gotten hold of the boy-his boy-and had already killed him.

"Stiles?" Derek called out, willing himself to be calm enough to return to his human form. Stiles, if he was still alive, would be frightened enough already without having to see Derek with full claws and fangs.

"Derek, oh thank God, what took you so long, man? That freaky lizard thing practically ate me for dinner, speaking of which, I'm gonna need Chinese food after this. You didn't happen to bring the menu, did you?" The voice, which seemed to come from two places at once, both somewhere so close to Derek it was almost next to him, and from a room further inside that Derek couldn't see, filled Derek with relief.

He followed the torrent of words to their source, and discovered a perfectly intact Stiles lying prostrate on the floor of the mechanic's office, his arms spread out over this head. Next to his mouth was his cell, the screen still lit up with the connection to Derek's phone.

"Can you get up?" Derek asked gruffly.

"Dude, if I could get up, do you think I would be lying here waiting for you to attack me-ok, hold on, that could be kinky…"

"Shut up, Stiles," Derek ordered, crouching down to examine his boy. He traced his hands along the kid's unresponsive body up to his neck, where he discovered a thin horizontal scratch. Seeing the wound and what it had done to Stiles brought his pulse right up, and there he was, in danger of shifting all over again. "Why did that thing try to hurt you?" Derek spoke slowly to keep his rage under control. That anyone or anything would try to hurt Stiles…

"It wasn't after me, ok? It just wanted me out of the way so it could… kill that mechanic guy. In the grossest way possible. You should have seen-it fucking squished him with that car lift thingie, I mean, I don't get it, you're a creepy lizard. Why wouldn't you just bite him with your fangs? What kind of lizard has an IQ high enough to operate heavy machinery? Woah dude, what are you doing?"

"I'm taking you home," Derek said as he hauled Stiles over his shoulder.

"Oh, that's good. My dad's gonna be sooo worried, and maybe after he sees you saving me, he'll actually start to like you, and maybe even let you take me to the prom…"

Derek walked with deliberate steps to the garage door and pushed it open, looking out at the encroaching darkness. Somewhere out there, the kanima still roamed free. "No, I'm taking you to my house."

"Um, ¿cómo? I'm not going there. It's a school night, remember?"

"You're going with me. I need to watch you in case that thing decides to attack you again."

"Aw, come on, Derek," Stiles whined, helpless over Derek's shoulder. "If it was gonna kill me, it would've already. And I really do have an exam tomorrow. And honestly, your place kinda… well, it smells funny to be honest."

Derek gave Stiles's bum a firm smack with the palm of his hand. "Quiet now. You'll be safest at my place. The kanima won't dare go there."

"How do you know?" Stiles demands from behind his shoulder.

"I just do."


Re: Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 1) Possible spoilers for 2x4 anonymous August 6 2012, 10:03:17 UTC
This is off to such a beautiful start and I can't wait to see more of it! <3


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 2) anonymous August 6 2012, 20:54:18 UTC
Stiles complained as Derek carried his limp form the entire way back through town, into the woods, and finally up the stairs to Derek's old room. As soon as he walked through the empty doorframe, Stiles groaned, "Dude, it really does reek in here."

"Would you quit your complaining already? Werewolves smell. That's part of our thing."

He unloaded Stiles onto the old mattress where he slept, and Stiles wrinkled his nose. "Ugh, your bed… it's ten times worse. It smells like a kennel. When's the last time you washed your sheets? Don't answer that."

Derek laughed and pressed a pillow on Stiles's nose in punishment. "Have some more. You know you love it." When he took the pillow away a moment later, Stiles looked a little dazed, his pupils large and dilated, his mouth hanging open in that goofy way that always made Derek want to squeeze him. Stiles sucked in air and exhaled, the flush gradually leaving his cheeks. "Dude…" he gasped.

Derek was surprised by how breathless the kid got so easily. A few seconds smothered by a pillow and he was already out of air, when Derek had been the one who'd hauled him over his shoulder across town without even breaking a sweat. "We need to get you to exercise more," he teased gruffly. "Can you move yet?"

Stiles's face twisted with effort before going slack, defeated. "No," he admitted, the kanima's poison still strong in his blood. He looked so helpless that waves of possessiveness and anger alternately rolled through Derek, and he felt the familiar knife-like pain as the claws began to come out of his fingertips. He paced the room as he attempted to regain self-control.

From where he was splayed on the mattress, Stiles's eyes followed Derek. "So… you got a TV in here or something? Because let's face it, being completely unable to move is not exactly the most exciting thing I can think of."

"No electricity."

"So you're my sole entertainment for the evening? No wonder we usually hang out at my place. And I'm going to get cold."

"Are you cold now?" he asked, knowing the answer. The room was already warm with Derek's heat.

"No, but I will be."

"I'll keep us warm." He paused, letting his voice drop. "You just worry about pleasing me."

"Ha ha, yeah. I sort of like to be romanced in more luxurious environs. How long do we have to stay here?"

"Until I'm sure the kanima won't bother you again," Derek said, lowering himself next to Stiles and gently pushing him to the side.

"And that will be… how long exactly?"

"Not sure," he said, becoming distracted by the smoothness of the skin on his boy's face.

"What about school?" Stiles's face was getting all twitchy, as if frustrated that he couldn't express himself with his hands the way he usually did.

School was the furthest thing from Derek's mind. Sometimes it was hard to remember that Stiles still sat in a classroom everyday. Derek tried not to laugh as he imagined Stiles tormenting the teachers with a flood of questions. "You can forget about school. That's the most dangerous place you could be."

"So I'm trapped here. In a cold, dark place? Without the Internet?"

"Not cold." Derek drew a line between Stiles's mole and a freckle.

"Unable to leave?"

"Unable to leave," Derek murmured over him.

"At the mercy of a scary huge werewolf."

"With nothing you can do about it." Derek leaned in and pressed a finger to Stiles's nose and growled.


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 3A) anonymous August 7 2012, 10:02:44 UTC
Stiles bit his lip as Derek's searched him with his eyes. "Is it weird if I ask you to kiss me, you know, even though I'm like this?" Stiles whispered.

Derek loved these moments when Stiles abandoned the jokes and the sarcasm he normally hid behind and turned his coffee brown eyes on him, wide and serious, like he was burrowing right into the space in the middle of Derek's chest. "Not weird," he whispered back, but instead of kissing Stiles like he'd asked, he dipped his head and sniffed just behind Stiles's ear.

"What, I smell funny?" Stiles gave a half-hearted laugh.

"Smell like you." Derek inhaled a trail along the length of Stiles's neck. The boy's scent was grassy with a little of the forest mixed in and clean, like he'd never been touched. It was so light Derek had almost missed it at first, the smell always there, faint but persistent, whenever he got near the high school. Once he'd isolated the scent and traced it to the boy, he'd been fucked.

Derek dragged sharpened teeth along the boy's collarbone. "Do you feel this? Even though you can't move?"

"Yes," Stiles breathed, his voice becoming shaky.

Derek edged closer, wrapping Stiles's limp form in his arms. Looking down into the boy's trusting eyes, Derek remembered the first time he'd held Stiles. After weeks of prowling around the boy's neighborhood, unable to keep away, getting closer and closer to the perimeter of the house, Stiles had finally noticed him lurking and opened the door. Dude, would you just come in already? You're freaking me out. It had been a surprise when, after they'd watched a movie for an hour in awkward silence, Stiles had climbed into his lap without a word, pressing his cheek against Derek's chest. Derek had remained motionless, hardly daring to breathe lest he scare the boy away, but Stiles had only nuzzled closer, planting his bum more firmly over Derek's crotch and laying a thin hand on his shoulder. Without meaning to, Derek had let escape a low growl as he drew a hand up Stiles's narrow back. "Are you mine now?" he had found himself saying, more a demand than a question. Stiles, suddenly nervous, had blabbered on about wolf/human equality and possession being an outdated concept until Derek had grabbed his chin and forced his mouth up into a rough, claiming kiss. After that, it had been understood whom Stiles belonged to.


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 3B) anonymous August 7 2012, 10:04:28 UTC
It was that tie that the kanima had sought to sever just an hour ago at the mechanic's garage. Now, fear of what might have happened drove Derek to nip at Stiles's lips as if he were still in danger of losing him and had to get every last taste he could. Dark thoughts of hurting the creature were crowded out by tender ones when Stiles began to pant, helpless, his eyes raking over Derek's face, as if waiting to see what Derek was going to do.

In response, Derek pushed Stiles's t-shirt up to his neck to reveal the two small nipples that were always taut and hard whenever Derek was near. Without breaking eye contact, Derek stuck his tongue out and licked one, letting his hand skate over the boy's belly until he reached the spot where Stiles's jeans met his waist. He thumbed the button in a tease and then, lower, closed his palm over the boy's bulge, already growing under the steady pressure he applied. The smell of the boy's arousal was palpable in the air.

"At least things are still working down there," Derek murmured, climbing on top of Stiles and twisting down against him, grunting at the press of the boy's swelling cock against his. It was strange to rock against Stiles like this, when he couldn't move, but the little gasps Stiles was making under him assured him that he wanted it every bit as much as he did.

Or at least Stiles liked this much, liked the way Derek had learned to take Stiles's slim dick in hand and stroke it much more gently than Derek did his own. He craved the confused noises Stiles made when he wrapped his lips around the boy and sucked until Stiles spurted small stores of come down his throat. But so far everything they'd done had been safe; the boy had never really lost control to Derek, probably didn't even know what it meant to give up his body to someone else.

Derek wanted to watch Stiles unravel.

He was near desperate to listen to his boy come hard under the weight of his body, longed to drink up every incoherent mumble, needed to make Stiles forget his own name as he twisted on his knot. But most of all, Derek had to know what Stiles would sound like when he felt the wet hot pleasure of Derek's tongue lick over his hole.

But whenever he'd tried to push Stiles's knees back over his shoulders, or turn the boy onto his stomach, Stiles would panic and protest, and Derek would gather him back into his arms, stroke his hair and tell him, no, we'll wait, don't worry. Derek was always struggling to keep the wolf at bay so he wouldn't scare Stiles away, but he couldn't help wanting, sometimes, to let loose the animal inside him.


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 4) anonymous August 9 2012, 21:58:37 UTC
"God, Derek, what's happening to me?"

Worried, Derek pulled back and held Stiles's chin in his hand, turning his head from one side to the other to examine his boy for any problems. Stiles's cheeks were flushed with redness, his lips wet and swollen. The expression he wore reminded Derek of past omegas just before he'd fucked them raw, but he didn't look hurt.

"What's wrong? Is the poison wearing off? Or is it getting worse?" he asked, needing to be certain.

"Fuck," Stiles whined. "No, it's my body… what is that smell?"

Derek pressed his nose into Stiles's closely cropped hair. "Just you."

"Something else, Jesus, it's in these sheets, it's all over you, God, Derek."

Derek absorbed the boy's frustration into his skin, letting himself get intoxicated with it. Although he'd often thought about it what it would be like, he'd held himself back from turning Stiles and making him one of his pack, but in spite of being only human, the boy was picking up on the pheromones hanging heavy in the room. Derek fed one of his fingers into the boy's eager mouth and watched his cheeks hollow out as he sucked. If he was indeed submitting to Derek's scent, he wouldn't be appeased until Derek breeded him.

He ignored Stiles's whimper when he pulled his finger from between the boy's lips so he could drag off Stiles's pants, staring at the beautiful, hardened cock that fell out against the boy's stomach, the tip already pink and leaking. He ran his palms up the boy's thighs, pausing to inhale, dizzy, at the place where Stiles's leg met his body and discovered his smell to be concentrated, and dark. Not meeting any resistance, he pushed Stiles's thigh out enough to grab the plump flesh of his ass between his teeth, his blood surging when he heard the boy cry out. He lingered, hesitating; Stiles was becoming unwound, but he might still reject him if Derek put his mouth there.

Derek settled for licking at the soft stretch of flesh just under Stiles's swollen balls, ignoring the boy's stifled protests as he kissed a path upward that ended when he closed his mouth over Stiles's dick. As he moved his head up and down along its length, Derek gave in to the memory of Stiles's hands in his hair, the way he would rut without rhythm, like a kid who hadn't mastered himself, into his mouth. But now, Stiles's arms laid motionless on Derek's bed as the boy vented his frustration in babbled curses.

"Please," he begged.

In response, Derek quickened his pace, sucking Stiles hard and jerking him with his hand to intensify the orgasm that was coming.

"No, I need…" Stiles panted.

"What?" Derek asked when he came up for air, looking up at Stiles from where his lips still lingered, wet, on the tip of his cock. "What do you need?" His blood surged with the knowledge of what Stiles was asking for.

"I don't know, I don't know, just… please."

Derek swore and reached his hand into his pants, giving himself a few short tugs. His hand came away wet, and he held his fingers back out at the boy, who licked his come eagerly, eyes rolling back.


He didn't need any more of an invitation. Derek rolled Stiles's body, heavy with dead weight, over onto his stomach, and pushed the boy's face into the pillow laden with his scent. For a moment he expected a protest, but when none came, Derek pulled open the boy's legs as wide as they would go and spread his ass with one hand. Stiles's entrance was pink and taut, and Derek had never seen it so clearly as now in the rising moonlight, without Stiles moving around and impeding the view. He would never fit in there.

"Christ," he mumbled, jacking himself harder as he looked.

"What are you going to do, dude? Please." Stiles's voice came out ragged and muffled from where his face was buried in the pillow.

"Hush," Derek ordered, intent. "I'm going to feed my come into you."


Re: Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 4) anonymous August 9 2012, 22:42:31 UTC
This is really, really hot and I can't believe it doesn't have a dozen comments by now, but thank you so much for writing it!


Re: Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 4) anonymous August 10 2012, 20:35:31 UTC
omg, this is great


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 5) anonymous August 11 2012, 03:07:04 UTC
As he worked himself with one hand, he pressed the tip of his cock, full and dark in contrast to the paleness of the boy's skin, against Stiles's ass, teasing himself with the possibility of pushing further in. Stiles lay spread vulnerable on the mattress under him, and the idea of sinking himself inside made Derek groan aloud. Fearing tearing the boy open, he fought the urge to knot him, but holding himself back from taking the boy for so long had left him mad with want. Fuck, he had to fill the boy with his seed, longed to see it dripping out of him, utterly claimed. He brought himself off to the vision with a snarl, propelling long stripes of his come over Stiles's hole until the pink was eclipsed with white.

Pacified, Derek lowered himself down to nibble at Stiles's thigh, where the smell of his come dripping down the boy's leg mingled with the distinct scent of grass. Derek extended his tongue to lick at the trail of it, and the taste of both of them together stunned him. The scent Stiles gave off was altogether different-unfamiliar to Derek, and yet its pull was so strong he experienced the curious sensation of submission that he usually demanded from others. Already he was hardening again, the tips of his fangs briefly pushing out, demanding, before he could regain control over himself.

Stiles had no such restraint. He was openly begging under him, twisting his face into the pillow to inhale more of Derek's smell. Seeing him like that, Derek hesitated for only a moment before licking the rest of the way up the boy's thigh. He used his tongue to drive the come that still pooled between the cheeks of Stiles's ass into his clenched opening. "Gonna breed you like this," he murmured, his voice wrecked. If he couldn't take Stiles like he'd taken the other wolves, he'd have him like this.

It was something like worship that Derek felt as he lapped at the boy's entrance, his arousal growing as Stiles loosened under his efforts. He'd prepared many of the omegas in his pack this way in the past, sucking and pushing at the place where Derek would later force his cock, driving himself to the edge as he sampled the taste of the wolves and bringing them along with him until they howled to be filled. It was the plunge of his tongue that opened them, made them willing to take his knot. But Stiles was altogether different. He wasn't a wolf, and he wasn't meant to be breeded by the Alpha. But somehow that knowledge made Derek want Stiles even more.

He lifted the boy's ass higher for access, his body pliant between his hands from the kanima's poison, as boneless as if he'd already been fucked into docility. When the boy called his name, Derek growled, the animal finally taking him, and he drove his tongue roughly inside, feeling the heat of the muscle tighten around him. Derek's lips dripped with his own seed, but it wasn't enough, and Derek cleaned the rest of his come from Stiles's ass, holding it in his mouth until he could push it into his boy. Once he'd filled Stiles up, he fucked his opened ass with his tongue until his come was buried deep inside.

Derek drew back to look, satisfied, at Stiles's swollen hole, wet with what Derek had done to him. He looked so filthy that Derek gave in to the impulse to smack his ass and bite him harder than he even intended. He sensed the shift in Stiles's body temperature as his breathing quickened like it did whenever he was close; Derek urged him on, leaving red trails with his thumbs as he rubbed the small rounds of Stiles's ass. He gave the boy one last slow lick and Stiles whined, the smell of his release filling the room.


Re: Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 5) anonymous August 11 2012, 22:03:48 UTC
So... this was very hot and I liked it. A lot.


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 6) anonymous August 12 2012, 11:57:22 UTC
Derek awoke to the scent of Stiles, pungent and stronger than usual, all around him. Hungry and a little dazed from sleep, he sniffed the air and discovered the boy’s ass inches in front of his face.


Derek’s dick shot straight up. Stiles had taken off his clothes and was straddling him on all fours, his head hanging down, waiting. He knew what it meant, how much Stiles must trust him to position himself so that he was completely vulnerable before Derek. He had spent months going slow with Stiles, never pushing him beyond his limits, but now the boy was like a young wolf in heat, presenting to Derek, asking to be taken. In answer, Derek ran his hands lightly up the boy’s leg and massaged his ass.

“Poison worn off then?” he asked, his voice scratchy after sleep.

“Yes,” Stiles panted.

“And the first thing you did when you could move again was come to me? Need it that bad?” Derek trailed a teasing finger over Stiles’s hole as he spoke, then let his hand drift down between the boy’s legs to cup his balls. He caressed them with his thumb, enjoying the silkiness of the skin there, the softest part of the boy’s body. Encouraged by the quickening of Stiles’s breath, he reached further under to stroke his cock, his movements causing the boy to arch up and push himself closer to Derek’s face. The remaining traces of Derek’s come still hung there, marking Stiles as his.

As if not getting enough of what he needed, Stiles begged, “Touch me like you did before.”

Derek knew what his boy meant, that he was remembering the press of Derek’s lips against his entrance, remembering climaxing as Derek fed his come deep into Stiles with his tongue, but he loved seeing him desperate. “Touch you like this?” Derek asked, and he jerked Stiles harder.

“No... I need you to... kiss me...” Stiles admitted, his voice so quiet Derek heard him only because of the heightened senses he possessed as a wolf.

Derek abandoned the boy’s dick to separate Stiles’s cheeks and look at what was on offer. “Like this, then,” Derek told him as he raised his head to lick a stripe over Stiles’s exposed hole.

“Oh my God, yes.” Stiles, weakened by the pleasure, dropped his shoulders down so his body formed a slender triangle over Derek.

“I’m going to take my time with you this time around,” Derek assured him, “lick you slow and thorough until you’re begging for my knot.” He moistened a finger with his lips and pressed it against Stiles’s entrance, hot and tight, where the skin puckered to a lovely point. Derek was going to enjoy working Stiles loose enough to accept him. When he dipped the tip of his finger inside, Stiles moaned and thrust his ass higher.

“You will open up for me,” Derek whispered, pushing in deeper. He licked around where the base of his finger filled the boy, keeping him wet to ease the passage of his finger in and out of him until Stiles’s body allowed the motion more freely. “That’s it. You’re doing so well.”

He slipped in a second finger, knowing how much he would need to stretch Stiles to take him, and a jolt ran through Derek’s cock when he saw Stiles begin to shift his hips, fucking back on his hand. The sight of the boy’s palpable desire made his claws extend involuntarily. He’d held off the wolf before, but the animal was overcoming him now, and he no longer wanted--or needed--to fight it.

To avoid injuring the boy, Derek wrenched his fingers too fast from where they were buried deep in Stiles’s ass. Instead, he grabbed Stiles by the waist and yanked him closer, sinking his claws into the boy’s skin to hold him in place.


Re: Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 6) anonymous August 12 2012, 22:33:20 UTC
This fill hits my kinks so hard! Thank you very much for it!


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 7A) anonymous August 12 2012, 23:15:55 UTC
With Stiles positioned how he wanted him, Derek spread open the rounds of the boy’s ass with his face and searched out his hole. When he found it, he swirled his tongue in slow circles to savor the musky flavor, not letting up until he heard the change in Stiles’s breathing. Stiles remained completely motionless now, whether from the threat of Derek’s claws in his hips or the work of his mouth, he didn’t know. He just wanted more, more of Stiles, and tasting him this way, dragging the flat pad of his tongue up Stiles’s stretched entrance, intoxicated him. Stiles began to quake in his hands as he slipped the point of his tongue into Stiles’s open hole. It went in easily now, the path already prepared, and he took his time fucking his boy like this, driving his tongue in as far as it would reach. No one had ever known Stiles like this, and if he could help it, no one ever would. He could feel Stiles gradually coming apart between his hands, but Derek was too engrossed to stop now. He took the edge of Stiles’s entrance in his mouth and just sucked at it until the boy thrust back involuntarily. Derek dug his claws in deeper in warning, and the boy froze, permitting Derek the unconstrained access he craved.

When he’d had his fill, Derek drew away, his face a mess like he’d just finished a meal after a hunt. He let his fangs, which had by now fully emerged, drag over the soft swell of Stiles’s ass, and the boy shuddered.

“Suck,” ordered Derek.

He bit back a howl when the boy’s lips closed over him. Although Stiles tried, Derek’s cock, swollen to its full hardness, barely fit in his mouth, and the boy had to satisfy himself with shallow bobs of his head and hesitant licks along its length. His efforts maddened Derek all the same, overcome as he was with the scent of Stiles in his nostrils, like he’d never be free of the boy again. Didn’t want to be. He let the boy work him as Derek nipped Stiles’s tender flesh, drawing a tremble each time. Teeth pressed to his boy, Derek flirted with the temptation of giving the bite to make Stiles pack so he could claim him properly as his mate. When Stiles began to add more suction, pulling at Derek’s cock in a dangerous rhythm, Derek growled and opened his mouth wide over Stiles’s ass, piercing his skin with the points of his fangs before drawing back.

“I need to be fucked,” Stiles moaned, his voice ragged. “Please, Derek.”


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 7B) anonymous August 12 2012, 23:16:58 UTC
Derek knew that even though he’d prepared the boy, he was too big to take him without tearing him open, but Stiles’s smell was everywhere and inescapable, like he was in heat, making Derek fast lose awareness of anything outside of the blood pulsing in his head. Instinctively, he lifted the boy’s hips, as if he weighed nothing, and positioned him over his cock.

“You do it,” he told him. Derek didn’t know if he could trust himself to go slow once he felt the boy tight around him.

Instead, Derek lay passive and unmoving as Stiles lowered himself onto his cock inch by inch. Derek watched him, sliding his hands reassuringly up the boy’s narrow back as the boy struggled, cursing. He fought himself to stillness in spite of the growing pressure, the image of Stiles pushing down on him like he was desperate to get all of Derek into him. Stiles braced a hand behind him on Derek’s stomach and began to twist to look at Derek as he sunk lower, and he caught the side of Stiles’s cheek, flushed red, in the moonlight.

“No,” he ordered. “Turn around.”

The boy complied, moaning as he took Derek in up to the base. He tried to lift himself up, but Derek was too full in him, and Stiles could not budge. He saw the boy start to jack himself in frustration, and then waited as the boy rubbed the fluid he found there around his bruised entrance to lubricate it.

“Let me,” he said. With the palm of his hand, he pushed against Stiles’s back until the boy leaned forward, clutching Derek’s knees. Then he took Stiles’s hips between his hands and lifted, the boy sliding over his cock until Derek almost fell out. Stiles cried out when Derek pulled him down again, hard, and then he took control of Stiles’s body, rocking him in quick motions until Stiles was nearly crying, his ass totally open as he gave in to Derek’s demands. As he thrust up into Stiles, the pressure in his cock grew, and he felt his base swell painfully.

“Fuck, it’s my knot,” he growled.

“What?” Stiles gasped. “What the hell is a knot? This is already as much as I can take.”

“Don’t move,” Derek murmured, close to begging. He pushed Stiles down harder against his knot, causing the boy to whine. “It’s ok,” he soothed, petting him. Holding Stiles’s hips tight to keep them locked together, Derek flipped them over so he was mounted on Stiles from behind. The weight of his body pushed him deeper inside, and he groaned.

“What’s happening?” panted Stiles, as Derek’s knot swelled inside his ass, tying them together.

“I’m going to breed you,” Derek whispered, and sank his teeth into Stiles’s neck.


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 8A) anonymous August 13 2012, 11:08:55 UTC
When he woke up, Stiles was curled in his arms, eyes closed, a thin trail of saliva trailing out of his mouth and forming into a pool on Derek’s shoulder. He was warm with sleep and soft, innocent looking as the sunlight streamed over long eyelashes. Stiles stirred as Derek tightened his arms around him so the boy could be more snug.

“Time is it?” Stiles mumbled.

“Late. 10:30,” Derek told him. “You missed school.” With affection, he rubbed Stiles’s shaved head in broad circles.

The boy burrowed his face into Derek’s armpit, as if trying to escape the day. “Obviously I missed school, dude. Since I’m a prisoner here.”

Derek pulled Stiles’s head back so he could see his face. “Not a prisoner. You’re just here until the threat passes.” Derek hadn’t forgotten the image of Stiles unmoving on the floor of the garage after the kanima had left him helpless, and he had no intention of risking a repetition of that scenario.

“So forever then,” Stiles answered with the usual hint of irony in his voice.

“Would that be so bad?” Derek asked, sliding his hand down the boy’s arm and admiring the light down of hair that covered it. In bed with Stiles seemed like a perfectly satisfactory way to spend forever.

“It would suck, bro. I still think this place is creepy.” Stiles gestured around the room with his arm. “Don’t you want to live like a normal person?”

“I’m not really ready to leave. Besides, this house suits me. I’m a bit... feral.” Derek smiled. “Isn’t that why you’re so into me?”

Stiles rubbed the scruff on Derek’s face. “I thought I was the wild one,” he joked. “But seriously, I don’t know how you eat here. How I’m going to eat here. There’s no food. And I’m starving.”

“There’s food.”

“Well... how do you cook without electricity?” Stiles asked, exasperated.

“Same way people have done for thousands of years. With fire.”

“And the fridge?” Stiles’s mouth hung open as if to punctuate his question with duh?.

Derek shrugged a shoulder beneath Stiles’s head. “I just get my food more often.”

“Trying hard to picture you disguised as Grandma pushing a shopping cart around the grocery store everyday, loading up on cookies and milk. Failing.”

Derek flashed his teeth. “The pups bring me supplies.”

Stiles’s eyes widened. “The pups? Dude, you reek of privilege.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t like all these people... servicing you. What else do they do?”

“Stop this,” Derek ordered. He disentangled Stiles’s crossed arms and brought one of the boy’s hands to rest on his chest. Pulling him close, Derek kissed him slow and long until he felt the boy weaken in his arms. His lips lingering against Stiles’s, he explained, “I’m their Alpha. We take care of each other.” He couldn’t expect the boy to really understand, not yet.

But apparently he hadn’t kissed the sarcasm out of Stiles yet. “So what time is the waitstaff arriving to serve breakfast, Lord Alpha?”

Derek sighed. “Ok, today I’ll be serving you. You want toast and eggs? I can get the grill going. Then later I’ll lock you in good and tight while I see if I can take care of the kanima.”

“Oh no. No no no no. You’re not leaving me here all day while you go prancing around the woods. I’m 18 already, you know. I’m my own man.”

“Don’t make me tie you up,” Derek threatened, only partly joking. He gripped one of Stiles’s wrists in his hand and pressed it to the mattress over his head to make the point. Stiles could sass all he wanted, but he would do what Derek decided was best. And keeping Stiles safe in the Hale House until he could be sure the kanima wouldn’t bother them again was what Derek had decided was best.


Fill: A Warm, Dark Place (Part 8B) anonymous August 13 2012, 11:09:55 UTC
“It’s really annoying how pushy you are. You need to trust me, too,” Stiles said, wriggling his hand free of Derek to draw it down Derek’s chest, over his stomach, and then lower, so he could stroke between Derek’s legs, where he’d been hard ever since he’d woken up to Stiles in his arms. “Lucky for you I’m very forgiving.”

“If you think you’re going to get your way like that...” Derek warned.

“Like what?” Stiles asked innocently, and then scooted down to take Derek in his mouth without warning.

Derek stopped talking then, transfixed as the boy’s head bobbed up and down on his cock. He cupped Stiles’s head between his hands and promised himself that he would not give in to whatever crafty plan Stiles had in mind.

The boy’s lips were red and swollen when he let Derek’s cock pop out of his mouth so he could twirl his tongue around the tip. He kissed down to the base, paying extra attention to the place where Derek’s knot would form, and then lower, sucking on each of Derek’s balls with equal attention. Derek rolled his head back in pleasure, imagining mounting Stiles after this, hearing the obscene sounds the boy would make as he breeded him again.

But then something went awry. Derek’s head snapped up in shock when he felt Stiles’s breath suddenly lower, sniffing down where he wasn’t supposed to be. “Stiles!” he commanded. “Stop!” No one touched the Alpha there, not if he wanted to live. If any other wolf had dared to try, Derek would have clawed a hole into their neck, and it took all of his self-control not to lash out at the boy. He let a warning growl rumble in the back of his throat, body poised for attack.

Instead of returning to the safety of Derek’s arms, however, Stiles surprised him again by pushing his shoulders under Derek’s legs and rolled him up, lifting his ass clear off the bed. Derek, unused to being put in such constraining poses, jerked his body in protest, but Stiles was stronger than he’d thought, and held him firmly in place.

“Don’t make me fight you,” Derek urged. Afraid of hurting him, he hadn’t yet used his full power against the boy.

“You won’t,” Stiles told him from between his legs. “I trust you.”

Before Derek could react, Stiles spread his cheeks and drove his tongue across Derek’s hole. A bolt of hot pleasure ran straight to his cock, and Derek’s protests died on his lips, converted into a whimper. No one had ever touched him like that before. Fuck. Emboldened, Stiles licked him with urgency, as if afraid Derek would pull away, lapping at his entrance until Derek was stunned into stillness. He held himself closed as long as he could, confused, knowing he had to stop Stiles from going further, but not wanting the feeling of Stiles’s wet mouth on him to end.

Derek felt the exact moment he gave in to Stiles, discovered the shift in his body, the way it both tightened in anticipation and uncoiled into submission at the same instant. The clenched muscle Stiles was working with his mouth relaxed, and Derek felt himself open up. When Stiles began to fuck him with his tongue, Derek needed to move his hips, push himself against the boy’s filthy mouth, take him deeper, but Stiles had him pinned firmly in place, and Derek growled in frustration. The boy ignored him, sucking and licking until the room began to go out of focus, and all he knew was this hunger, this need to be filled.

“Oh my God, you’re tight, Derek,” Stiles panted against him. “Let me, please--say I can.”

He found himself doing what he’d never imagined he would: when Stiles released his ankles and he could move again, Derek turned over and spread his legs, and waited for the boy to claim him.


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