Hello, all! First, this place is still active. There are new prompts being made, but shortly we will be closing the current prompt post. We'll make a new post to pimp out old and overlooked prompts, but before we do that we'd like to explain our options re: prompts and tracking them via subject lines.
Second, we will be changing the theme yet again, but to a paid one. We have yet to find a theme that will allow subject lines that isn't paid or sponsored. So far as we have found, it seems to be a benefit of users who are logged in with paid accounts, but please correct us if that is wrong.
We've allowed it to force comments to our theme as it will allow subjects even for those who do not have paid accounts. Sorry in that inconveniences anyone.
This Greasemonkey script will allow you to see the subject line, but I believe you have to be logged in.
Third, the option has been discussed that we could move to dreamwidth. That would be great, but we'd have to pay for accounts over there to move the community, and the fandom is largely livejournal based anyway.
Poll Poll to gauge interest in the options that we have: Edit: This account is a paid one, so the subject lines should be available for everyone. I can confirm that those who have used them in comments to this entry have come to my email account as part of the subject.