Nov 01, 2021 18:36
Can anyone recommend some good stories with Time Travel or Travel to an Alternate Universe?
Sterek (Derek/Stiles), any rating. No Bottom Derek.
Please & Thank You in advance.
theme: family,
media: fanfic,
theme: au,
theme: supernatural,
theme: de-aged,
theme: time travel,
theme: long/epic,
theme: future!fic,
theme: angst,
theme: bamf,
theme: parallel universe/multiverse,
category: recs,
theme: tattoo,
character: derek hale,
theme: humor,
theme: claiming,
theme: magic,
theme: fluff,
theme: friendship,
theme: hurt/comfort,
theme: bonding/mating,
theme: illness/injury,
theme: jealousy,
theme: other,
theme: insecure/low self-esteem,
character: stiles stilinski,
genre: slash,
theme: pre-series,
theme: heat!fic,
pairing: derek/stiles,
theme: pack!fic,
theme: protective,
theme: mpreg/pregnancy,
theme: misunderstanding,
theme: first time,
theme: lycanthropy