Mar 24, 2018 17:23
Hi, I'm looking for a Sterek fic, but don't remember a lot of the details. What I'm certain of is that there is this one scene where Derek starts telling Stiles that "okay, I get it. You're mad, but stop punishing me for leaving Beacon Hills by pretending that you never knew me when we were kids." And Stiles tells him that he's not pretending, he had never met Derek before their meeting in th woods with Scott and has no idea what Derek is talking about. They're in the animal hospital so Deaton's there and they figure out that something had happened to Stiles' memories. I feel like the story took place in 3A with the Alpha Pack.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
theme: amnesia,
pairing: derek/stiles,
character: derek hale,
character: stiles stilinski,
genre: slash,
media: fanfic