Title or Description: So far untitled. It's a TW/Supernatural crossover, for the
Genre: Drama, casefic
Relationships/Characters: Stiles/Derek, Dean/Castiel, and Scott/Allison, but it's all mostly implied at this point.
Length or word count: ~7500 right now, but will probably end up being 15 to 20k.
Type of beta you'd like: SPaG, plot, flow.
Language (if other than English): N/A
Short summary, preview, or details: Basically, it's what would happen if Sam and Dean came to investigate all the murders in Beacon Hills directly after Kate's death. Snippet:
As they walk over the threshold to the house, following the click of Victoria’s high-heeled boots, Sam hears Dean mutter “Christo” behind him. Victoria doesn’t flinch, which is unfortunate, because Sam would really like to exorcise this woman.
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