Name to call you by: Ava / TL / CC
Best way to contact you: PM
tealeaf523 nd/or e-mail constantcomment523 at gmail.
Genres you will beta: Anything. AUs, canon-era, canon compliant, anything. I'm big on humor and fluff, but drama is equally fantastic. Adventure, mystery... porn. You know, anything.
Genres you will NOT beta: Tragedy. That's... that's basically it. Probably not crack, either.
Pairings you will beta: Derek/Stiles is my OTP, but I will give any pairing a look unless it's one listed below. I will read all of the following: slash, het, and femmeslash. Canon pairings are great!
Pairings you will NOT beta: Kate/Derek (unless it's a part of a larger work with a different main pairing), Kate/anyone, Gerard/Anyone, Victoria Argent. lol
Warnings/kinks you will beta: Bestiality (consensual); omegaverse; bondage/discipline; D/s; watersports (negotiable); dubious consent; negotiated "non-con" - if you don't know what that is, don't worry about it; animal or pet play; humiliation. Have something that's not below but not above? Ask me. :)
Warnings/kinks you will NOT beta: Major character death (unless it's canon), rape, scat, vore, vomit, sado-masochism, terminal illness, needleplay, bloodplay and gunplay.
Length of fics you are able to beta: I'd rather work with someone on shorter works first before committing to a megafic. I'm great with 20k or less!
What you focus on when you beta: SPaG, characterization, consistency, readability, Americanisms, etc. Whatever is specifically asked should be okay, unless you want me to work out the end of a story for you. Ha.
Are you willing to be tough and break a fic apart if asked, (yes/no): If the reaction to such a thing would be reasonable and not taken as a personal affront. I can be tough if you want, but I'm also a big ol' fangirl, if needed.
Other languages you'd be able to beta in: N/A. Not proficient enough in any other language to beta IN a foreign language, but I know some French.
How long a 5000 word fic typically takes you: I can do 5K within 48 hours.
Any additional information: Obviously, just because I'm willing to read hardcore porn, doesn't mean I have to. I can beta fluff, adventure, gen, and plain old romance and I love doing it. :) Any rating is a good rating.
Edit: I don't know why, but the first letters of words keep getting cut off while I type, so apologies.