Beta offer: Dreaminpng

Oct 13, 2015 20:46

Name to call you by: Dreaminpng (I also go by "Win" or "WK" as the name I use online is "Winchester Kaye" It's a Pacific Rim thing I'm happy to explain in a PM if you're interested)

Best way to contact you: Email or PM is best

Types of fanworks you are willing to beta fic, art, and vids

Genres/styles you will beta: Almost anything! Bring it on! (though for crossovers I prefer to have familiarity with the other fandom, but I won't list them all b/c that would take too long, so we'll deal with it case by case)

Genres/styles you will NOT beta: RPF

Relationships you will beta: Basically all of them

Relationships you will NOT beta: Any incest pairings (may make an exception for dark fic if I like the premise, love me some dark fic)

Content you will NOT beta: Anything where a character under the age of 15 is sexually active (may make an exception for really dark fic if I'm in the mood), Scott being an unrepentant ass or bad friend

Length of works you will beta: Any, though I generally prefer between 1k and 50k.

What you focus on when you beta: For fic, I'm big on readability: typos, poor grammar, overuse of the same descriptors, plot holes, inconsistencies, anything that pulls you out of the fic really. If it makes me go "wait, what?" or have to re-read, I'll comment on that. I'm also a stickler for correct slang - if a fic takes place in America, with American characters, I'll note if UK slang (like "boot" instead of "trunk") is being used, and vice versa. I also really enjoy bouncing ideas off of, so if you're ever stuck, I enjoy chatting to help you tackle the plot point or writing style, or whatever that's giving you trouble. I'm also a stickler for characterization, so if you have a character acting OOC on purpose, it's good to let me know that ahead of time. For artwork I'm big on anatomy and recognizability (even if it's stylized, do you know who the characters are? For vids, I'm big on pacing, timing, transitions, and use of effects. If I think you're over-using a filter or effect, I will let you know.

Sometimes we need a beta who won't hold any punches. Are you willing to be tough and break a work apart if asked, (yes/no): Yes

Other languages you'd be able to beta in: Only English, sorry.

How long a medium sized work typically takes you (about 5k words, a complex completed art piece, 3:45 min vid, 25 min recording): One to three days, depending on what else is going on. If my schedule is particularly tight, I'll let you know it'll take longer.

Any additional information: If I'm going to beta chapters as they come out, rather than the whole fic at the end, I like to see a detailed outline so I can look for inconsistencies early on.

offer:vid, offer:fic, offer:art

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