Beta Request: Teen Wolf Reverse Bang

Sep 24, 2013 18:14

Title: Corresponding Shapes
Genre: Band!AU, genderswap
Relationships/Characters: Stiles/Derek and background relationships.
Length or word count: Needs to be at least 3k, but I'm just starting out and I have little idea how long it'll be
Type of beta you'd like: SPaG, plot, music.
Short summary, preview, or details: So a reverse bang is fic based on art, and the art I claimed is a fanmix featuring girl drummer Stiles. It's great for inspiration, but I have very little idea what I'm talking about when it comes to music and instruments, so anyone who could help me out with that sort of thing as well as traditional beta things would be great. It doesn't need to be finished until mid-December at the very earliest, so there's very little time restraint.


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