Title: Kiss Me Like You Mean It
swing_set13Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: Hogwarts AU, Derek/Stiles
Spoilers: all aired episodes
Warnings: wizards, magic, attempts at banter and wit, teen drama, flagrant misuse of Harry Potter references, hot makeouts and romance
Word Count: ~1,100
Notes: I had a request for after they get together. And, I was at a loss before I gave it some serious thought. So yeah. Which is how I ended up writing this bit of madness. Comments are love. ♥ It's how I know I should continue rather than retreat back to lurking around fandoms. They sustain me. Unbeta'd because that's how I role. According to the
Teen Wolf WIP poll, I'll be cobbling together the next chapter of "I've Underestimated My Charm (Again)". And I'm sick with the flu. I need tea...I wrote this when I should have been resting so forgive any mistakes and in my delirium, this all seemed like a very good idea. And here's
my unofficial soundtrack to this 'verse.
Summary: Wherein the Triwizard Tournament reaches its climax.
Sequel to
It Had to Be You.
I pinch myself, it's like I'm dreaming it