Title: And Miles To Go Before I Sleep
havemy_heartPairing/Characters: Danny/Jackson, one-sided Derek/Scott, Stiles, tiny, squinty hints of pre-Derek/Stiles, Lydia, OC hunters
Word Count: 4553
Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations, language and non-graphic violence
Summary: Jackson still hasn't told Danny his secret, but when Jackson gets kidnapped by hunters, the truth will come out.
Spoilers/Warnings: this takes place after S1, so as long as you've seen that and know the characters, you're good
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or its characters.
A/N: written for
this prompt at
insmallpackages. This is only my second time writing for this fandom and the first time for this pairing. Not beta'd so all mistakes are mine.
Title from the poem "Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost.
Link to fic in my writing journal