Title: I've Underestimated My Charm (Again)
swing_set13Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: Derek/Stiles (background Lydia/Jackson and Scott/Allison)
Spoilers: all aired episodes
Warnings: CW type drama hijinks, small town madness, city doctors, forest rangers
Word Count: ~1,500
Notes: For
somuchlikeabook because she's a sweetie pie. Unbeta'd so be kind, comments are love! ♥ This chapter was hard to write, mainly because I was so full of Halloween candy. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!! I'M GOING AS SUPERGIRL IN DISGUISE! Secret identity for the win! Not sure if people will like it, yes, I don't know what I'm doing half the time.
Summary: Beacon Hills needs a doctor. They're willing to pull out all the stops, including sending Stiles to go live in the woods.
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Part One like many a male, I get angst in my pants