Title: Can't Fight The Moonlight
swing_set13Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: AU, Derek/Stiles
Spoilers: all aired episodes
Warnings: vampires, werewolves, my loose interpretation on various lore, saucy make outs, random pop culture references
Word Count: ~1,600
Notes: Unbeta'd so be kind. Comments are love! ♥ Again, I was trying to fall asleep. It was around 2AM this time, so progress. And I was plugged into my iPod, the song Riboflavin started to circle at the same time I was trolling
teenwolfkink meme. Loosely based on the prompt where
Stiles is a vampire. *facepalms* How do I keep writing these things? I know not why. I am sleepy now but promised a day out shopping with friends so I'll be groggy and blah while trying to muster up enthusiasm over dress while leaning into the dressing room wall. Originally, the fic was going to be called Closer after the multiple recs for song inspiration from you darlings but I know not what I do. I blame trying to watch the newest The Vampire Diaries and failing because of all the dead links. Oh, and missing my weekly dose of True Blood.
Summary: Being a vampire isn't all it's cracked up to be. Though it does have it's perks.
you're the reason I stay alive