Title: Rumor Has It
swing_set13Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Spoilers: all aired episodes
Warnings: cavity inducing imagery
Word Count: ~550
I'm really sick with the flu so in my delirium, I trolled
teenwolfkink. So hopefully they aren't too terrible fills. Titles are entirely based on what was playing on my iPod at that ungodly hour. Now to drown myself in fluids and Extra Strength Advil.
Summary: Based off the prompt
Derek secretly feeds cute fluffy animals. Stiles finds out.
rumor has it---
Title: Portions for Foxes
swing_set13Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: AU, Derek/Stiles
Spoilers: all aired episodes
Warnings: dating, failed attempts at vandalism, hero worshiping, lacrosse referencing, Camaro and Jeep appreciation
Word Count: ~1,100
I'm really sick with the flu so in my delirium, I trolled
teenwolfkink. So hopefully they aren't too terrible fills. Titles are entirely based on what was playing on my iPod at that ungodly hour. Now to drown myself in fluids and Extra Strength Advil. The bit about Jolly Ranchers actually works. You're supposed to suck on the Jolly Rancher then stick it to the car, they're virtually impossible to pull off, if it rains that night, the candy will dissolve and leave pockets of ruined paint all over the car. My friend did that to some guy's car. I hang out with entirely too many guys, I'm like the only girl in my class of engineers, so they impart all these important revenge ideas, though their offers of beating up the guy that does me wrong is sweet. Scary. But sweet. Though sugar in the gas tank works too. Though that will totally fuck up the car. Kids, don't try that at home. Egg someone's house in the winter, the eggs freeze and are like impossible to remove. See, another tidbit from my friends. Wow, another reason not to get on their bad side. Though I will totally know who did it if it ever happened.... The term "dated" is a game me and my girl friends along with some of our guy friends play. Namely we talk about our interactions with the opposite sex and try to see if we've been "dated. A guy paying for your coffee? Dated. And offer to study alone? Dated. My friend Kara has been dated unknowingly a lot. It's kind of hilarious. Her current boyfriend "dated" her for like five dates before she caught a clue. We totally think it should be a new reality TV show. It would be hilarious. Complete with people emerging out of nowhere to tell you "YOU'VE BEEN DATED!" Kind of like PUNK'D but more romantic.
Summary: Based off the prompt
Stiles doesn't really remember Derek Hale that well; he graduated when Stiles was a freshman. Word is, he's come back home from college for break. Stiles doesn't really get what the big deal is, but all the girls at school (including his future wife Lydia) are going ga-ga over this guy. What is up with girls and the James Dean types, Stiles will never know. All the other guys in Stiles' class are getting pissed off too, and Stiles figures he should tell Derek to back off for the greater good. Derek agrees, but now Stiles seems to have caught his eye. Stiles, to his own horror, might actually be okay with this.
and you're bad news, I don't care, I like you---
Title: There's a Class for This
swing_set13Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Spoilers: all aired episodes
Warnings: mentions of sexy times
Word Count: ~300
I'm really sick with the flu so in my delirium, I trolled
teenwolfkink. So hopefully they aren't too terrible fills. Titles are entirely based on what was playing on my iPod at that ungodly hour. Now to drown myself in fluids and Extra Strength Advil.
Summary: Based off the prompt
Stiles wonders if it's possible to have too much sex.
but this is a sticky situation so keep your chest in the game and drop your jaw and coax me