Title: Abracadabra
swing_set13Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: AU, Derek/Stiles
Spoilers: all aired episodes
Warnings: attempts at banter and wit, magic gone awry, teen drama, werewolf senses, random pop culture references
Word Count: WIP
Notes: Written half on a Starbucks coffee cup and in my trusty wee pocketbook on my adventures to T-O for Thanksgiving. I blame this chapter entirely on amazing Ten Ren tea and cupcakes from around the downtown Toronto area. This chapter is short, mainly to build up the next chapter though it has a lot of delicious plot points. Unbeta'd so be kind. Comment are love! ♥ And everyone should check out
robanybody's wonderful fanmix she made for this fic,
Breaking The Hearts of Honest Men is an amazing listen. A delight to the ears.
Summary: Stiles pulls a Sabrina. With unexpected results.
Previously ::
part one |
part two |
part three |
part four |
part five man with the hex