Title: Interface Overture, Chapter 2: Alpha Assault
Pairings: Scott/Isaac, Derek/Stiles, Danny/Ethan, Boyd/Erica, Lydia/Jackson, Kate/Jennifer
Rating: Up to NC-17
Word Count: 3,695
Spoilers: No spoilers/AU
Summary: The Alpha team plan to bomb one of Yukimura Pharmaceuticals' Eternity plants, and Major Rafael McCall dispatches everything the Military Division can throw at them to prevent that from happening.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of MTV. The author of this story is in no way associated or affiliated with MTV, or any copyright material owned by MTV. The use of copyright material is in no way meant to impede MTV’s ability to promote, sell, or distribute ‘Teen Wolf’. The author of this story made no profits from any copyright material owned by MTV, and no copyright infringement is intended.