Title: HOWL, Episode 1 - Apex Omega
Pairings: Danny/Ethan, Derek/Jackson, Derek/Stiles, Isaac/Scott, and Scott/Stiles
Triangles: Allison/Isaac/Scott and Danny/Ethan/Jackson
Other Characters: Alan Deaton, Chris Argent, Cora Hale, Deucalion, Gerard, Marin the counselor, Melissa McCall, Peter, and Sheriff Stilinski
Rating: up to NC-17
Warnings: Graphic language, sexually explicit content including minors, and intense violence
Word Count: 9,905
Spoilers: References and story based through the mid-season finale of the third series. If you aren’t up to date with the show then you should not read past this section. The summary alone starts out with two spoilers, and the fic will reference current events of the show frequently.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of MTV. The author of this story is in no way associated or affiliated with MTV, or any copyright material owned by MTV. The use of copyright material is in no way meant to impede MTV’s ability to promote, sell, or distribute ‘Teen Wolf’. The author of this story made no profits from any copyright material owned by MTV, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: After the death of Ms. Blake and the fall of the Alpha pack, everyone in Beacon Hills are left picking up the pieces. The twins decide to stick around while Deucalion nurses his wounds. Allison presses her father for more intense hunter training. Lydia tests the limits of her power. Old enemies forge new alliances as Gerard falls in league with Peter to exact revenge against Scott for crippling him. Jackson returns from Europe with a secret that could cost him more than even he can afford to pay, and Stiles learns something terrible is about to happen, and it all revolves around Danny.
Onward to the slash!