Title: Flushed
Disclaimer: I,
ladyknightanka, own neither Teen Wolf nor Kyo Kara Maoh. Pop-culture references are also not mine. Please don't replicate my silly work without permission.
Warnings: PG-13 for mild language, crude jokes, brief mind-screwing caused by magic, and use of some German only in this chapter. I got all my translations from Google, so I don't know how correct they are, but I didn't include English counterparts of the few German phrases in this for stylistic reasons. Stiles doesn't know what they mean and never really finds out, so I think it's an interesting effect.
Other Notes: 2082 this chapter; ~4/40k in all. Derek/Stiles, Jackson/Isaac, Boyd/Erica, Scott/Allison, past Derek/Kate, one-sided Stiles/Lydia, Lydia/Peter, etc. More Jackson in this chapter.
Summary: Sometimes, being a good friend and having sound moral values can suck. In Stiles's case, it sucks him right down the toilet, into a magical alternate universe where he's demon king, has magical powers, and is engaged to a surly prince. ...His dad really should have borrowed parenting tips from the Whittemores.
Chapter One ♥
Chapter Two