Fic: In the Light of Dawn | Laura/Derek | PG

May 07, 2012 12:55

Title: In the Light of Dawn
Author: noctemus and bdrixhaettc
Pairing/Characters: Laura Hale/Derek Hale
Rating: PG
Summary: They had forgotten to close the blinds...
Spoilers: None
Warnings: HaleCest
Disclaimer: We do not own the characters portrayed herein. They are the property of MTV and Jeff Davis and Co. This is for fan enjoyment only and no profit gained nor sought.
Notes: None-betaed.

Can be read here:
• @ Noctemus Tales (our fic journal)
• @ AO3

author: bdrixhaettc, authors: b, author: noctemus, character: laura hale, character: derek hale, authors: n, genre: het, pairing: derek/laura, type: fanfiction, rating: pg

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