Title: The Dark Side of The Moon
Rating: R
Sxymami0909 and
XtremeroswelliaFandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles/Lydia, Isaac/Allison, Scott/Kira, Derek, Deaton, Sheriff Stilinski,
Wordcount: 99,326
Timeline: Season 3B
Banner: By
Sxymami0909Parts: 9/12
Summary: The ritual is done, but the consequences aren't over. The door inside Stiles' head is still open and they're running out of time to get it closed. Lydia's powers are growing and Derek might hold the key to a link in her past. With Stiles slowly losing his mind and Lydia being the only person who can help him keep it together, the pack is in a race against time to help their friend. Will they be able to close the door in time or will Stiles be lost to them forever?
Previous Chapters: |
One |
Two |
Three |
Four |
Five |
Six |
Seven |
Eight |
She did however want to know what Derek had to say. In order to understand herself and what she was capable of Lydia needed to know more about her banshee roots.)