Fic: Birthday Boy (Stiles/many)

May 13, 2013 16:02

Title: Birthday Boy
Pairing/Characters: Stiles/Danny, Stiles/Lydia, Stiles/Isaac, Stiles/Allison/Scott, Stiles/Erica/Boyd, Stiles/Derek (also Allison/Scott, Erica/Boyd implied)
Rating: Explicit
Words: 37,000
Summary: In which Boyd has a proposition for Stiles, and then it all just spirals from there.


The one where everybody in Stiles' circle wakes up and realizes he's hot as fuck.

Notes: This is basically a long, casual sex yay! PWP. Varying levels of emotional intimacy throughout. It leans towards Sterek at the end, but you can of course read the outcome in whatever way you prefer. Theoretically, you can choose to read just the pairings/threesomes that appeal to you, but the story is all one (thin) plot, and Stiles does think about his other experiences while he's with other characters.

Thank you to alyse for betaing.

Read Birthday Boy

character: allison argent, word count: 20000 and up, rating: nc17, genre: pwp/smut, character: isaac lahey, character: scott mccall, character: derek hale, character: danny mahealani, character: erica reyes, character: lydia martin, pairing: derek/stiles, character: stiles stilinski, character: boyd

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