Title: Ain't Enough Hours (In My Day) - Chapter 3
operationhadesRating: M
Pairing: Sterek (Stiles/Derek), mentioning of other pairings
Spoilers: For Season 1 & 2, definitely
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, plus some boy-on-boy afterwards.
Word Count: 8K this chapter, 40-50K whole story, probably.
Summary: “I'm going to kill you Derek,” Stiles hissed instead, staring down at the bite mark on his dad's shoulder. “I'm going to murder you, castrate you, put you to sleep, even!” Or, the one where the Sheriff gets attacked by the alpha's, gets bitten by Derek, and consequently finally finds out about 'the whole truth'. And Stiles is freaking pissed and secretly afraid like fuck, because hey, who isn't a little bit damaged here? STEREK, because apparently I now write Teen Wolf.
AN: two words: johnny cage. I rest my case. <3
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