extension & a mod note

Dec 14, 2014 23:19

Brief modlyness!
I'm going to extend this current challenge one day. Hopefully we'll get some more entries, I'll probably procrastinate an icon or two.

On another note, I'm thinking for our next challenge we'll do another battle type thing like we did last year.
The holiday season is starting and I know that I'm super busy with work, social shit, and family. I was thinking maybe a battle would be a good challenge to last a few weeks. I'm thinking three weeks (just past new year).

Rather than just pick something and go with it, I figured I'd mention it to you guys and see if we have some interest.
We could either do another battle, or I could put together a 20in20 type challenge. Which would you guys be interested or prefer? Let me know in the comments!
Also, if anyone has any ideas share them in the comments too!

!extension, !mod post

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