Challenge 83

Dec 01, 2014 03:01


For this challenge, you're going to icon things/characters that you love about Teen Wolf. This can be as simple or complicated as you want it, from the physical to the philosophical. I think the examples will help, but if you have any questions or want some more examples comment to this post! We can brain storm.

When you post your icons, make sure you post what your reasons are for your icons. Try to have one icon per reason. Not just like I love Tyler Hoechlin's gorgeous face and then four icons of that gorgeous face. (Not that it would be such a hardship).

We're trying to stay positive, so even if something someone loves might be something YOU hate, don't cause a kerfuffle. Same goes for even if you like something that Teen Wolf does but they could easily do it better, looking on the bright side of things!

dylan's acting as the nogitsune | badass ladies | family

sucksucksmile | naive_astronaut | spankulert

» You may submit up to 4 icons.
» You can use any screencaps or promo pictures you want.
» No animation.
» Your icons must fit LJ standards: no larger than 40kB, 100x100px.
» Icons must be made especially for this challenge and by yourself.
» Submit entries in a new separate post.
» Provide img src and urls on your entry.
» Icons are due by DECEMBER 14TH @ 11 59PM PST.

!challenge post, challenge 083

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