Dec 04, 2012 19:52

Fanfic: Derek/Stiles
Enemy Lines 8/? by tekla (NC-17)
Muse by cheesewithmy (PG-13)
Trees are always a relief after dealing with people (except when they aren't)
 by anonymous (NC-17)
Hunger by bigboobedcanuck (NC-17)

The Pact by saltyavocado (Mature)

Family Dinner by runswithwolves (havemy_heart) (General Audiences)

I Love Your... by hiimraen (Explicit)

Lip Lock by loveless_loves_beloved (Explicit)

Good Behavior by theSilence (Teen)

Derek's Little Problem by theSilence (Explicit)

Pack Letters to Santa by Onlymystory (Mature)

Tell Me You Love Me by MoistTowelette (Mature)

How We Survive (Is What Makes Us Who We Are) by Lirial89 (Explicit)

It comes down to this by LadyMidnight (General Audiences)

The Ghost of You by ohcrien (General Audiences)

Prelude by TheShamansGranddaughter (General Audiences)

they call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone by deerie (joanses) (Mature)

Right Side of the Bed by peenw0lf (Teen)

Baby it's Alright, You're Born to Fly by AHighFunctioningPsychopath (Teen)

Whisky Kiss by nightfog (Explicit)

Definitely Maybe by firefliesinlove (Teen)

Triskele by Bitsy (Teen)

The Scent of Snow by deafwriter_19 (General Audiences)

New Foundations by Lycaon (Explicit)

Lupus Custos by Thraceadams (Mature)

The Road Is Our Journey by Ifellinlove (General Audiences)

Make of Our Hands by deanlosechester (Teen)

do you sense it? by rayvanfox (Mature)

Friends (With Benefits) by devils_trap (Explicit) [Underage]

Miles by deanlosechester (Teen)

The Wolves Are Asleep in Their Den Now by devils_trap (Teen)

Fanfic: Other Slash
Rise to the Set Bar by anonymous (Jackson/Stiles | Teen)
Stiles Gets His Way by sperrywink (Danny/Stiles | NC-17)

Restless by itendswithz (Scott/Stiles, Derek/Isaac | General Audiences)

Finders (Keepers) by Saucery (Peter/Stiles | Explicit) [Underage]

Troika by Saucery (Derek/Isaac/Stiles | Explicit) [Underage]

Rain by amorremanet (Jackson/Danny | General Audiences)

Shedding All My Old Regrets by FireEverything (Peter/Chris | Explicit)

Fanfic: Femslash

ficlet 01 by fightingtheblankpage (Lydia/Laura | General Audiences)

Apodyopis by damascened (Allison/Lydia | Teen)

Fanfic: Het

I Know by megankelly (Jackson/Lydia | General Audiences)

you're such an ugly thing for someone so beautiful by petwerelizard (Derek/Kate | Mature) [Underage]

Fanfic: Gen
A Very Merry Werewolf Christmas (3/12) by welfycat (PG-13)

Make Me A Stone by Rainbowrites (Teen)

Fanfic: Polyamory/Pack

Brand New Eyes by Xarlux (Mature) [Underage]

Fanfic: Other

A Peeping Stiles by softywolf (Derek/Stiles, Lydia/Erica | Explicit)

We Want War by Shatteredsand (Scott/Allison, Derek/Stiles, Isaac/Erica, Danny/Matt, Jackson/Lydia | Teen) [Underage]

Burn out the day, burn out the night by kleinefee92 (Scott/Isaac, Derek/Stiles, Jackson/Stiles, Erica/Boyd | Mature) [Underage]

I’m Sorry For All The Nipples by wearing_tearing (Derek/Stiles, Erica/Boyd | Mature)

Brand New Eyes by Xarlux (Mature) [Underage]

We found love in a hopeless place by anonymous (Stiles/Derek, Scott/Isaac, Danny/OMC, Jackson/Lydia | NC-17)

Take All That You See by softywolf (Derek/Stiles, Lydia/Erica, Scott/Isaac | Explicit)

there'll be no comfort in the shade by magneticwave (Once Upon a Time Crossover, Lydia/Boyd, Charming/Snow | Mature)

Podfic: Time to Begin written by Triedunture read by rhea314 (Derek/Stiles | Teen)
Fanmix: White Coats by imriebelow

Fanmix: Fanmix: I SAID, “YOUNG MAN” by mix by foxglovely (Gen)

News and Miscellaneous
Mod Note: Community Reminders and Mod Positions Open posted at stiles_derek

Comment to have any AO3 exclusive fics added. Please include a Title, Pairing/Gen, Rating and a link.

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